Not What it Seems...

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A/N : I will do POV changes throughout chapters and you will be made aware of when they happen :) This chapter is also set for September 5th because i'm just establishing grounders :P

~Clay POV~

I wake up in my childhood room to the sound of glass shattering and yelling. This was a daily occerance, but this sounded more violent then usual. I try very hard to block out the yelling, but it was too loud. I walk out the door to my room and down our long hallway. I reach the top of the stairs and look down to the to the bottom floor. I see my Father, drunker then ever, screaming at one of the maids in the house, saying that she was 'too stupid to do anything in her life.' Standing behind him is my mother, holding a very large glass of wine, and I would later find out that she is also way to drunk for her own good. My father screams at the worker for over 10 minutes as she sits there, very visibly in fear. After my father was done with her, he promptly fired her. She bolted out the door with tears running from her face. I stare at my father in fear for what he just did, but what I didn't expect to see was my father making eye contact with me, and was very visibly angry with me. I just sit there as he storms up the stairs. He grabs me by the shirt and asks me a question , but i'm too struck with fear that I say nothing. He, very angry for ignoring him, throws me to the ground kicks me twice at almost full force; once in the ribs and the other directly at my right eye. He finally leaves as I lay there, silently crying in pain. After what felt like an eternity, he returned, he said something is a very stern tone, and before I know it, I see his foot come straight for my other eye and then-

My eyes shoot open as a sit up, covered in sweat. My heart rate spikes as a quickly look around an unknown space. After a few seconds, my heartrate slows and my visions clears, only to show that I am in my own bed, in my own room, in my own home. At this particular moment, I am in no specific danger, but i'm afraid that it won't stay that way for long.

I sit at the edge of my bed as my brain runs, almost reliving the nightmare that I had just went to through. However this was not just a nightmare, but a memory for my past that i try so desperately to forget. This wasn't the only time this happened, but it was one of the earliest i remember; I was only 6 years old. I remember the overwhelming fear I felt from that point forward until even today, I feel nothing but fear and rage towards my father.

I finally look to see that my alarm would go off in only 8 minutes time, so I just turn it off and stare at my ceiling. I would go on to my phone, but I just didn't have the energy or the brain space after that nightmare. The ceiling is calm & quiet. It helps me clear my head. It helps me think straight even when nothing else does. 

I quickly realize that it is time to get up. After taking a 1 hour nap when  got home on top of my normal 8 hours of sleep, my brain still manages to be tired. I slowly get to my feet and grab an outfit from the closet. I don't really have a specific style, but I do try to look decent, however, it's not for me. If I don't dress in name brand clothes with the most expensive shoes, my mother won't let me leave the house. I don't wanna be known as 'the rich kid in town,' but the name has already been given to me. I mean my mom does make me go to school in a limo and we have the biggest house in the neighborhood, but that's not all I want to be. 

I head towards the bathroom and turn the shower on the hottest it goes. Its not meant for pain or anything, it just helps me wake up. I undress and take a long shower. Its very filled with shallow thoughts and noting worth wasting your brain space on. I usually take showers to think about important things in my life, but i'm afraid the more I think, the more memories will come to me. Based on how I woke up this morning, I can tell today is gonna be a bad day when it comes to my thoughts and getting trapped in my own head.

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