The Way Down...

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~3rd Person POV, 9:12am, Sep. 7th~

The 2 layed there for a while. George had soft snores escape his lips, and Clay found it amusing that such a sound could come out of the small, fragile boy that layed on his lap. Seeing the sight of all of his painful bruises on top of the skin and bones created more sadness and anger then Clay ever thought imaginable. He knew he had to get back at who did this, but it would take time for George to open up about then event. But any detail of who did it and they were done for.

George shifted in his sleep, a smile forming on his face. Clay only assumed he was dreaming, but he was actually smiling over the hand that played with the locks of his hair. He gripped the hoodie just a little bit tighter because of its warmth. He had a hoodie on already, but fall was starting to set in. Combined with his lack of any meat on his bones, he was always colder then the rest of his peers. The sleeves on George's hoodie lifted slightly to reveal goosebumps, and Clay took notice of this.

"George? Are you cold" Clay whispered to George, hoping that if he was asleep he wouldn't be awoken. George responded simply by shaking his head.

"I know you are lying. Do you wanna go back inside?" George quickly tensed up and shook his head frantically. George looked up at Clay and began to speak.

"Y-You should go inside. I-I don't want you t-to miss more class." Georges voice came out raspy from all of the crying and hyperventilating he had done in the past 24 hours.

"I said it before and i'll say it again. I'm not leaving until you do. And we need to get you to a doctor, you could have some broken ribs." Clay sounded concerned, but rightfully so after looking at George's bruised sides.

"But I can-"

"Don't worry about the money. We will figure something out ok?"

George nodded slightly, not making eye contact with Clay. As the initial shock of the incident wore off, the pain started to kick in. It was so much worse then anything George had ever experienced. His eyes became slightly blurry, either from tears or the blackout waiting to happen, but George managed to blink it away. Clay noticed his small gesture and put a hand on George's cheek, rubbing his thumb across his light freckles.

"Are you ok?" Clays smooth voice came out like honey from a jar, but George didn't notice. It was almost like he could hear his pain as it filled up his entire head.

"I-I hurt h-here." George pointed to his side, which happened to be the worst bruise there was. The middle was a plum shade of purple, the outside a lemon yellow. After the actual event happening less then an hour prior, this was bad. Clay could assume that he had at least 2 broken ribs.

"George, it looks bad. Come on. " Clay stepped down on the branch level below and reached his hand out for George to grab. He took it hesitantly, with each move becoming more and more painful. When reaching his hand towards Clays, tears pricked at his eyes. He winced as he cry's silently.

"Get on my back."


"Get on my back. It will be easier on you."

Clay turned around, only to get a sound that's music to his ears. A slight giggle escapes George's lips. He feels the corners of his mouth tilt upward. He was then met with the very underweight George on his back, grasping his neck like his life depended on it.

"This is so dumb" George giggled. Clay turned to face the boy, who had a that smile on his face that Clay would kill for. (he probably will smh🙄🤚)

"you ready?" George responded with a slight nod, tightening his grip to assure himself that he wouldn't fall to his death.

Clay slowly climbed down the tree, using any tree branch he could to make sure that the two were safe. Any wrong step could properly injured them both, especially because of the fact that Clay was holding another person, so he had to make each step perfect, no mistakes.

Eventually the two made it to the bottom, and George slowly hoped of Clay, giving him a sad smile in place of a thank-you. He wobbled a bit, his vision starting to fade. He looked at Clay, trying his best to suppress his blackout. Clays eyes filled with worry as George began to somehow go more pail.

"C-Clay, I-"

"George!" Before George could even finish his sentence, he fell directly into Clays arms, unconscious. He couldn't move or blink or anything really. The last thing he remembers is feeling his legs being lifted off the ground, and soon after, a heart rate monitor.

WC : 823

WOOOOOOW i literally hate this chapter. it's too short and rushed, but it's been too long. i don't really have the motivation to do anything anymore. Ya know, grades slipping and stuff😙🤚Will i get chapters out? Yes. When? Well my motivation is kinda coming back, but not much. I also wanna know if you guys like more shorter chapters or less longer ones? LMK! This is Jayden signing off for now and have a good day/night :)

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