What he saw...

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A/N : This title may make sense in 2 different ways, but I will mention those at the end. I also know this chapter may seem a bit far fetched, but I promise that it will make the story more clear. Also just to clarify, 3rd person omniscient will mean the same thing from now on. (3rd person with everyone's thoughts) OK bye I love you :} 

~3rd Person, Sep 6th, 3:52pm~

"It's nice to 'officially' meet you C-Clay." George accidentally stuttering his words. Something as simple as this boys name sent chills down his back, but he hides it well. His lack of food consumption made him shiver regularly, but his body has learned how to conceal it. 

Clay notices the little stutter in his words and the pink mask of blush covering his face. He usually finds things like this very cheesy, but on George, it is actually pretty adorable. He had noticed the little butterflies that formed in his stomach, which made him slightly giddy.

"Officially is a little fancy, don't ya think?" He gives chuckle. George gives him a slight punch to the arm, but Clay doesn't react. His dad had always hit him while he was on the ground. George and Clay were sitting at the same level, and he had rough-housed with his friend all the time. With him being the tallest around, he was always above people. It gave him safety. Most people in his situation would flinch at any sudden movement, but he just never did.

George automatically felt so bad about hitting his friend. He had always play fought with his sister before his dad died, but he never had any real friends his age. His immediate reaction was to apologize. Repeatedly.

"OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU IM SORRY." With his natural nature, he starts to tear up and his voice begins to crack. Ever since he was very young, he was also overly apologetic. He had no reason to be, but he just was. 

Clay thought at first that he was joking around, but he quickly realizes that there are tears forming in the boys eyes, and Clay swore he heard his heart break in two. He looked so sad, so broken, like a lost puppy.

"Hey it's ok." After George heard the comforting words, he broke into tears. George loved his mother, but she wasn't always the best at being motherly. She knew how to take care of us physically, but emotionally, she had no clue what she was doing. George comforted his sister from the get go, but he left no room for himself. 

Clay was slightly taken back by the reaction. He didn't expect George to react just as he would. He could understand the feeling well, as he had money instead of emotion thrown at him all his life. He stands from his seat and gives him a hug around his neck. George is immediately confused, but soon melting into his comforting touch. A moment like this should have been awkward for the guys, but it was surprisingly safe. Safe was the perfect word to describe this situation. Both boys felt like some type of bubble was forming around them, threatening to break if they let go. 

George and Clay sat in the position for several minutes. But George didn't want to let go. The touch was the most comforting that George had felt in..well..ever. Clay certainly didn't mind. He liked the arms of the smaller boy wrapped around his as if he was going to run away. George was listening to Clay heartbeat to help sooth his breath.

Eventually, yet very slowly, George released Clays arms. He pulled back slowly kinda hoping that the boy would pull him back in to the previous position. George pulled his sleeves over his hands and wiped his eyes, now puffy and red. Clay sat back down in his seat, trying to comfort George from across the table. Both of the boys secretly wanted to go back into their hugging moment, but they wouldn't admit it.

"Are you ok" Clay asked in a sincere tone. He obviously knew that George was in fact not ok, but he didn't know what else to say. George looked up from his lap, and their eyes met. To George, Clays eyes were a wonderful yellow color. Sure, everything in his life was either yellow or blue, but this was different. A beauty that he had never seen before, like he was being revived. To a point like he could see new colors, even though that wasn't true. He felt his face get hot and butterflies in his stomach, but at this moment, he couldn't care care less.

𝙾𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝☯︎︎Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat