Not just another day...

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~George POV, Sep. 7th, 7:05am~

I run out to the car that Clay is driving. It's very nice. Probably worth more then my house. It has a beautiful matte finish and those fancy doors that open upward. I see Clay get out of the driver seat and open 2 doors; one in the front for me and one in the back for Kyla. I give him a nice smile and look over to Kyla as her face is the literal version of the shocked emoji, only without the hands. She finally locks eyes with me and the corners of her mouth begin to pull upward.

She looks back at the car and looks back at me, silently asking me if she can get in. I give her a slight nod of approval. She sprints to the car and shuts the door behind her. Clay and I look at each other and burst in to a giggle fit. 

~3rd Person POV, Sep. 7th, 7:07am~

George went towards the car and sat in his seat and reached for the door, but his hand was meant with Clays. He was just trying to be nice and close his door, but both of them became oddly uncomfortable. They have hugged and cuddled on 2 occasions in the matter of less then 24 hours, but this is what made them flustered. Weird but ok 🙄

They looked each other in the eyes as both of their face turned a bright shade of pink. George released his hand and smiles awkwardly at the man standing before him as he smiles back. Clay shut the door and begins to walk to the driver side of the car. George can practically hear his sister in the back smirking her ass off. Before Clay gets back in the car, George looks back at Kyla.

"Don't. Say. Anything." George says with a serious tone, but not serious enough to strike fear into his sister. She bursts into laughter as Georges face turns into a tomato. Right after her bubble of laughter popped, Clay opened his door and sat in his seat, closing the door behind him. He immediately hears Kyla as her laughter begins to fade. Clay doesn't ask what she is laughing about, but frankiley he doesn't want to know.

"Hey! I'm Clay!" He turns around and greets K with a smile. But her smile quickly turns into a face of realization.

"Oh. My. God. You are the one that snuck out of the house this morning! I knew it! There was something off!" Clays expression changes from a nice smile to complete shock. He looked back at George, whose eyes were popping out of their sockets. They made eye contact as they were both in complete shock. Kyla on the other hand was laughing her ass off. 

"Uh...Um-" Clay had nothing to say. The boys were both redder then ever at this point, but they couldn't defend themselves. Kyla was so good at reading people, especially George. Lying would only dig their grave deeper.

"Don't worry loverboys, I won't tell. Besides, I would love to get to know my brothers new boyfriend." She said it with such confidence. So sure that she knew exactly what she was talking about.

Clay finally turned back around. Both of the boys hadn't formed a single word since she started speaking, but finally, George unfroze and began to speak.

~George POV, Sep. 7th, 7:12am~

"N-Now hold on a second. W-we are just friends."

This hurt so badly to say. I don't really know why, but I never wanted to say it ever again. Ever.

Kyla looked at me with a smirk. She didn't buy it. I couldn't see Clays expression exactly, but I could tell his face got just as red as mine did.

"Mhm, sure. Well whoever you are," She did air quotes, "Clay, I still want to get to know you."

Clay and I locked eyes once again, but it never gets old. We both give a slight chuckle as we drove off.

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