What happened to him...

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~3rd Person Pov, Sep. 7th, 8:40am~

"George?" Clay called from below, a sinking hole in his heart at the sight of his friend crying, alone.

"C-Clay.?" George couldn't stop crying. What had happened to him was something that you dont get over in a second. He was hyperventilating, tears quickly rolling down his face. Speaking wasn't something that came easy, but he wanted to know what was Clay was doing there. He grip his sleeves and but his lip, hoping to conceal the sound of his sobs.

"George? What are you doing up there?" Clay had concern filling his tone, but he didn't care. He was hoping the desperation in his voice will make George talk. Listening closely, he still could hear the muffled sounds of George's crys.

"O-Oh N-n-nothing. J-j-just c-chillin." He tried his best to sound as casual as possible. It overall failed, but it was his only option. His breathing was only getting worse, making talking almost impossible. This episode was worse then the first souley because of what caused it.

"Why aren't you in class?" Clay asked, nervous for his friends well being. He waited for almost 20 seconds, recieving no responce but heavy breathing. He started up the tree as if his whole body was a machine. He was about 2 minutes into climbing as George came in to his view. He had his hands covering his face, body trembling. George never noticed Clay climb the tree, as his thoughts and memories clouded his head too much.

Clay was about 10 feet from reaching George. His face still covered his hands, but they now coveredf his mouth too. George had realized that Clay was coming up, but he still couldn't form cohearent sentence. He tried his best to be as quiet as he could, but he failed miserably.

Eventualy, Clay made his way tro George. When they were at eye level, George turned away. He couldn't make eye contact at this moment. He was far to embarresed that Clay had to see him at his most vulnerable 2 days in a row. His breathing had only gotten heavier, and his tears flowed faster. All he wanted t5o do is run, but Clay had sort of cornored him.

"George,I need you to try and breathe with me ok? You dont have to look at me but just try and take deep breaths, ok?" George hated that Clay was babying him, but he was too out of breath to say anything. George coninued to try and breath for several minutes. Every time that Clay tried to comfort him through touch, George scooted slightly away, giving Clay the hint that he should wait for comfort until George could actually talk.

"George...what's a matter..?" Clays voice was soft and kind, with only curiosity and concern in his tone. George could barely hear the sound of him as his brain was barely functioning. All he wanted was to jump in Clays arms, but he couldn't do that to him. He stayed where he was, his brain running wild in his head.

"C-c-clay g-go a-a-away." George was very harsh, but he knew Clay wasn't going to leave very easily. One of the habit that George had picked from their short time together was that once Clay had his mind set on something, he wasn't gonna let go. He hoped that he would leave, but for Clays sake.

"Not until you tell me what's going on. George i'm here for you-"Clay places a hand on Georges shoulder, but it's quickly swatted away. Not enough to hurt but enough for Clay to get the message that George was trying to send.

"I s-s-said g-go a-a-a-away!" George heart hurt for Clay. He hated speaking this way to the one person that gave him joy, but it was for the best.

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