Frozen in place...

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A/N : Hey guys i am not dead lol. Anyway i decided that im gonna do the POV lines like this from now on because it was starting to get tedious, so if you guys are confused on the time line, just leave a comment and i will explain. Anyway love you <3

~George POV~

Black. No, white. Grey maybe? I couldn't really tell what I was seeing. But feeling? I was sure it was nothing. It's like my souls wasn't in my body. Like I was. frozen.

~Clay POV~

It has been a few hours since the doctors gave George his pain meds, and a few mini panic attacks in which George locked himself in the bathroom later, he just sat in his bed. He looked, scary to say the least. He's been staring at the same wall for almost 2 hours, not saying a word, barely blinking at that. I had to pretend to be asleep so i didn't stare, but I only had to keep still. Even if he did see my eyes open, he payed no mind. Like he was a shell of a person. He wasn't all there. So much has happened to this sweet boy in such a short time. And god knows what has happened to him for the rest of his life, it's hard to even think about. I'm supposed to be leaving school right now. I'm supposed to be meeting George at the cafe right now. But I'm not, and suddenly I'm feel my anger bubbling back up.

I wanna punch something, anything at this moment. Especially who ever did this to George.

My George.

My mind is boggling on anyone who would, but nothing is ringing a bell, as my brain is clouded with red.

I am quickly pulled out of my thoughts to the sound of my phone going off. I grab my phone and see that i have a text from Nick. But then i see 4 more, then 6 more, then 15 more. Most of them are just "where are you" becoming more and more light heartingly aggresive. Some of the last few seem slightly panicky, so I quickly shoot back a "hey i'm ok but i can't explain now, can i call you later?" He responds with a simple "yup" as I put my phone back in my pocket. I look up at George, and I jump slightly, as I realize that he is no longer staring at the wall, but directly at me.

~3rd Person POV~

"S-Sorry." Georges voice was quiet and hoarse. It was filled with little to no happeniess, and Clay was filled with guilt, even for something that he didn't even do. He hasn't had an actual conversation with George since school this morning, so he didn't really know how to respond.

"For what?" Clay tried to make his voice sound soft and calming. He felt like if he spoke with too much force, he would shatter whatever George had left in him. Georges breathed hitched as he tried to hold back tears, but it was very close to coming out.

"I don't know.. staring?" As much as this normally would be made as a sarcastic compliment, George was just unsure. George looks down at his lap, picking at his fingers. He doesn't want to be here. He just wish he didn't put Clay in this type of situation. He doesn't deserve this. He feels a few tears fall on to his cheek.

"Hey, hey it's ok." Clay gets up from his chair and slowly goes to sit next to George, wiping his tears from his face in the process. George was trying to not look at Clay ion the eyes; he just couldn't bring himselff to do it.

"You can still leave you know. We can act like we never talked s-so you don't get pulled into this. You will be more safe and you will never have to hear from me again. I won't bother you at school and-" George was quickly cut off.

"No, George." George opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Clay continued to speak. "Stop. I love hanging out with you. I certainly haven't known you long, but something is telling me that we are stuck together, even if I didn't want it, which i very much do. I really like being able to help you, and I won't have a second thought on doing so. So let me. Please." Clay waited for what felt like an eternity for George to answer his rather simple question, but George just seemed to grow.

"I-I-" George cut himself off to compose himself. "Y-You should go. I can't have you here, you don't deserve it." George started to push Clay away, but Clay stood his ground. He was not about to let George be alone in another one of his issues. He was gonna stick by his side forever. No matter what.

"I'm not leaving." George hung his head somehow lower. Even before him and Clay had become friends, he knew that he was one of the most stubborn people in the world. He always overheard people talking about him, his stubborness coming up pretty often, but it depended on who it was to determine if they liked it or not. George let out a long sigh as his fate had been decided. He wished that Clay would just leave, but he knew that it would break him if he did.

"ok." George responded simply. Clay was expecting to have to argue with him, but even just looking at him, you could tell that he was tired. So, so tired. The dark circles under his eyes combined with his pale skin and his slim complection made him seem almost un-dead.

George tried his best to fall asleep as far away from Clay as he could. He was hoping that pushing him away would get him out of this mess, but this planned had seemed to backfire. Clay had gotten completely comfortable in the bed, wrapping his arm around Georges small torso, and George had completely melted into his touch, as much as it guilted him to do so. He felt his eyes close once again, hearing the boy behind his hum sweet melody into his ear. Right before he completely lost counciousness, he heard Clay say a few simple words behind him that made his heart flutter.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

WC : 1074

A/N-hey. so i know you guys are probobaly really pissed at me for not uploading and you have every right to be. I should be uploading more, but i just have no time anymore. With my 7 finals coming up and my mental health kinda yk plummeting down (dont feel bad writting is my escape) i havent really had a chance to sit down withou thaing a mental breakdown lmao. Anyhoo i have an amazing story idea that i have sorta fleshed out but i dont know if imma write it as a fanfic or try to actually make it into a book but imma just go with the flow. anyway i wont put myself on an uploading schedule so expect one in the next 20 years /hj Have a goo day/night and i love you <3 -Jayden

ANOTHER AUTHORS NOTE- I have become very uncomfortable using the ccs real names and for that im going to just call them by their Gamertag or a slight alteration of that (:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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