The Science Project...

547 22 14


~George Pov : Sep. 6th, 6:45am~

i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock in my ears. I get up finally after the noise is just too much my brain handle, 3 minutes later. I sit up in my bed as a turn the alarm clock off with some force, as it was annoying the shit out of me. I sit and stare at the wall to help my brain regroup after the sleepful night. I hadn't really slept great that night though, as i was up most of the night staring at the ceiling and just thinking about my life.

I rubbed my eyes, pretending that it would help me stay awake, even though it did absoutely nothing. I finally stand up and look at my phone, as my eyes widen. I realize that i'm not late, for once. I don't really pride myself in it, but I will say it's far from a bad feeling. I head over to my highly bare closet as I grab a pair of jeans. I only have about 4 pairs, and I try to buy the ones looking the least similar, just so people don't notice. I don't even know why I care, though. Nobody even pays attention to me, but I would much prefer that then being the center of attention. 

I slip the jeans on, only realizing that they are starting to get too big. But it obviosily wasn't the jeans growing. I just wasn't eating enough for my own good. It was not my fault or anyone elses, so i have no reason to complain. I keep hearing my stomach growl, so I quickly put my hoodie on to mask the sound. I would love to eat, but i'm the only man in the house, and family comes first. So, i go into my drawer and grab one of the very few things i had left from m father:a belt. He gave it to me a few months before his passing, but i hadn't grown much, so it was still usable. I tighten it as tight as it goes around my waist, even though it was still a bit too loose.

I throw my hoodie on without bothering to put a shirt underneath. I mean this hoodie is attached to me as much as my limbs, so there was no need to make more laundry for me to have to do later. I put my socks on my feet and head to the bathroom.

I take my comb and try to make my hair somewhat presentable, but it's like it has a mind of it's own, so i leave it to do its own thing. I grab my toothbrush and cover it in toothpaste. I start to brush my teeth but don't bother with timing it or mental counting. I get done with all of those daily chores and walk out to head back to my room.

I still have 10 minutes before I leave with Kyla, but I might as well see if she is ready. I put my shoes on and grab my almost-empty backpack. I have my earbuds tight in my grasp, as i'm afraid that if i loosen my grip, they will poof from the face of the earth. I head down the hallway and towards the kitchen. I see Kyla sitting on the couch on her phone. She looks up at me with a very prideful smile.

"You're up on time!" She says with a smile plastered on her face.

"I am. You seem awfully joyful"

"Well i get to ride to school with someone for once!" Wow she is genuenly excited about a simple ride to school. 

"Well ok then. Im ready now so if you want we can head out so you can have some extra time with your friends before school. Sound good?"

"That sounds great!" Somehow, an even brighter smile is put onto the little girls face.

I nod in agreement as we simultaneously start heading towards the door. We both grab our bikes and start on the route to school as we do everyday. The entire way there is silent, but that wasn't a bad thing. It was a sort of comfortable silence. I mean just looking over at my sisters face and seeing a giant smile was enough for me. I would kill to enjoy the little things, like getting an extra 10 minutes with your friends before school. But my brain is rigged to think of only the big picture. To think about the things that matter in the long run. I guess that's just the way it will have to be. But for now, i will get to enjoy that big smile that will make everything worth it.

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