After that night...

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 A/N : Hey! You! Don't have a dirty mind about the title >:( This chapter takes place the next morning after they fell asleep :)

~George POV, Sep. 7th, 5:36am~

I wake up, but only just barely. I have no idea what time it is, but I physically don't have the energy to open my eyes. I shift slightly closer to the warm body next to me. 


A slight smile slowly creeps it's way on to my face. But it slowly fades away as I remember the events of last night. This so called 'panic attack' was one of the worst things to ever happen to me. But I would admit it wasn't the first time.

This one was my most severe, but not by much. I have had quiet a few ever since my dad died, but the one last night made me hyperventilate more then ever. I hated having to call Clay, but I didn't have another chose. I physically thought I was dying.

I was never diagnosed with anything by a therapist, but any doctors visit I have ever been to told me to get it checked out. However, therapy is expensive, and most certainly something I wouldn't be able to afford. I didn't need to get therapy, but I would be fine, as bad as these little moments have gotten over the years.

Clay groans in his sleep as he adjusts his head and pulls me closer to his chest. I can feel my face begin to feel hot, but my eyes aren't open yet. I hear Clay give a yawn as he begins to wake up. I pretend to act like I was asleep, which wasn't difficult considering I hadn't moved since I had gotten trapped in my thoughts of the pervious night.

I feel Clay rub his hands in my hair as he stays silent, and it makes my heart flutter. I want to wake up right now, but I don't want to ruin the moment or make him feel awkward. I wait a few minutes before rubbing my eyes, trying my best to hide my red cheeks. I grab Clays arms subconsciously and pull them closer to my chest as I snuggle closer to him, but I prey that he doesn't notice.

~3rd Person POV, Sep. 7th, 6:02am~

Clay feels his arms move closer to the smaller boy, but he doesn't intervene. He kind of finds it very adorable. He has been awake for a while, but wouldn't dare move and risk waking up George. 

George finally looks up at Clay with puffy eyes remaining from last nights episode. Clay gives him a sad smile as he wipes the dried tears from Georges cheeks, both of them blushing more then a human ever should. They both stayed in a deep stare wit each other, but neither of them have the guts to break the comfortable silence. 

Finally, George looks away as he sits up, picking at his fingers. He can't shake his feeling of guilt that lingers over him, as much as he wished he could make it go away. It appears that Clay notices the switch in George mood, and he has to say something.

"Good Morning Georgie." Clay says with a laugh. It was a nickname that Clay had never used before, but George didn't mind it.

"What's that even mean?!" Both of the boys erupt in a pit of laughs as they try not loose their breath. George had pretended to hate the name, but he preys that Clay will keep calling him that. It made him feel special in a weird way.

As the boys laughter falls in to a comfortable silence, Clay and George hear a very annoying sound. The alarm clock. They both look at each as the lightbulbs went off in their brains.

We have school.

"Well, we didn't really think this sleepover through very well, did we?" Clay says with a giggle, but guilt topples over George once again.

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