Chapter Two

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I splashed cold water on my face, glaring at the image that stared back at me in the mirror. Despite my mum and her whole side of the family being Greek, all with black hair and dark features, my brother and I both somehow ended up with long blonde curly hair and bright green eyes. We blamed my dad and his weird English genes. I was still attractive though, I got enough attention from both men and women to know that. I'd changed my top for a simple white t shirt in preparation for the hot California weather. Pulling my hair into a neat pony tail, I emerged from the bathroom and took my seat on the jet opposite Morgan.

I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. It felt like my mind was going 100 miles an hour, going through every possible explanation for what was going on, I hated not being able to turn my brain off. I kept flipping through my file, trying to spot anything we missed on our first assessment.

"You know, it's normal to be nervous about your first case. I'd be more worried if you weren't," Derek smirked at me, clearly sensing my anxiety despite my efforts to hide it. Stupid profilers.

"I'm not nervous, it's just a lot you know? I'm just a bit overwhelmed I think. There was hardly any field work back home, I pretty much just sat at a desk for two years," I admitted, starting to chew on the inside of my cheek.

"I'm surprised they're even letting you out in the field now, you're absolutely tiny!" He cocked his head at me, pretending to check me out as he chuckled to himself.

"I bet I could still kick your arse blindfolded though." 

"Oh come on Princess, don't go starting something you can't finish. You look like you can't even hold a gun," he smirked, eyes twinkling with laughter.

"I got 100% on my firearms test, I'll have you know." 

"No way, you did not get 100%!" I raised my eyebrows at him, nodding my head. 

"I did. Plus, I have 15 years of gymnastics training and a black belt in martial arts. Watch your back Morgan, you don't want to get on the wrong side of me." 

"God, that's not intimidating or anything is it?" He laughed softly at me in disbelief. 

"I'm intimidating? Derek, your arm is literally the size of my whole body!" I laughed back at him as he flexed his muscles even more at me. I relaxed a bit, settling into the flirty banter he was giving me, making me feel completely at ease again.

"Okay, Parker, Morgan and Rossi, I want you guys to head to the police department, find out what you can there and start working on a geographical profile." Hotch began, as the jet landed. I turned and looked at Spencer with wide eyes at the mention of Rossi's name, he just sat there grinning at me. "Reid and JJ, I want you two to go see the body at the scene and then to the morgue. Prentiss and I will speak to the family and friends, see if there is any link other than just appearances between the victims."

"Do you need to borrow a pen and some paper for when you get his autograph?" Spencer whispered, his eyes sparkling as he grinned from ear to ear at me.

"Piss off," I hissed through gritted teeth, "I'm obviously not going to ask him to sign a piece of paper for me when we're at work!" Spencer just raised his eyebrows at me. "I've got his newest book in my bag for him to sign on the flight back." I winked at him and he burst out laughing. I just shoved him playfully before calling him an idiot and climbing into the car with Rossi and Morgan.


"You must be Dr Parker!" A rough looking man exclaimed, holding a hand out to Rossi. "It's a pleasure to have you here! I'm Detective Howell, I'm running this case here, Agent Hotch said we were expecting you."

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