Episode 15

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Y/n "God everything hurts, what happened? All I remember was talking with Dabi, then Shigaraki dragged me into a room..."

Dabi "He torture you for hours to try and get information about UA, but you never spoke about it."

Y/n "Okay, but how did... Ouch... How did I turn?"

Dabi "I don't remember when but it was because he told you he'd kill Kaminari, you flipped after that..."

It made sense, you looked at them and frowned, now realizing what the looked like.

Y/n "Why are you guys.... Different?"

They all started to laugh before explaining to you their plan to infiltrate the league.

Y/n "You guys could have gotten killed! Why did you guys risk it"

Kami "I would DIE for you okay!? I would cut my arm off if it meant saving your life! So when I got the chance to save you, I did, even with the danger it implied."

Kami slowly hugged you again kissing you cheek softly.

Kami "Your everything to me... I can't live without you now."

You hugged him back tightly before sighing, they needed to find a way to get out now, calling the hero's was a definite no no. The only way would be to directly walk out or have Kurogiri teleport them, but would he keep quiet?

Dabi "They are both leaving for a mission tonight, you guys will be able to sneak out then..."

You all looked at eachother and nodded, this was going to be dangerous and risky, but at least everyone should be able to come back in one piece.

Dabi "Hey Y/n...?"

Y/n "Hmm?"

Dabi "I'm sorry I attacked and kidnapped you... I was just trying to follow Shigaraki's orders, I still will... But I don't want you involved anymore..."

Y/n teasing "Aww~ Are you growing soft on me?"

Dabi "Maybe I don't know... I just don't feel like you deserve this shit..."

Kami suddenly wraps you in a hug and sends a protective glare at Dabi who rolls his eyes. You giggled and kissed Kami on his cheek, he smiles and gives you a gentle kiss that zaps you a little.

Kami "My little buzzy nugget~"

You smile and ruffle his hair as he groans.

Y/n "My little pikachu~"

He gritted his teeth as you and Bakugo laughed, Izuku looked at you all confused but joined with a little chuckle.

Later that night

The 3 boys we're in the bar's living room with Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Shigaraki "Your all free to leave but be careful not to get us caught or found, we're moving soon anyways but just a warning."

With that, him and Kurogiri left through a portal. Dabi sighed and ulocked your door so you could step out, Kami had to help you walk due to your burns and injuries.

Kami "I am so killing you with cuddles at home."

You giggle at how serious he said those cheesy words, they all walked out of the building, you waved goodbye to Dabi who looked sad.

Dabi's mind "Why do I want them to stay? They're safer with them, so why am I feeling so bitter..."

Dabi sighed and walked back inside, his heart unknowingly broken.


The 3 boys sneaked inside and made it to their respective rooms, they removed their costumes, changed and all readied for the class to start the next day. They all gathered in Kaminari's room to talk about how to break it to the heroes.

Aizawa "You guys know I could punish you for what you all did right?"

All of you jumped as Aizawa walked inside through the window.

Y/n "I know it was stupid of them! But they didn't fight! They just saved me! Plus they have their licenses right!?"

Aizawa "I know they do, I wasn't gonna punish them for that, I'm glad they saved you... I meant the whole sneaking in eachothers bedroom after curfew..."

You all looked at him confused before he choked and laughed.

Aizawa "You all know I don't care about that! Oof, wow I haven't laughed like that in years... Anyways glad to have you back kid, I'll go talk to the heroes."

And with that Aizawa had left the room, you all looked at eachother wondering if you had all seen the same thing before laughing all together. Bakugo pulled Izuku into a hug and sighed looking at you.

Bakugo "We should get going, you two better not have too much fun okay, I'm next door remember that..."

With that he picked Izuku like a potato bag and left as he screamed to put him down. You both laughed and then looked at eachother.

Kami "Fuck what he said I want cuddles!"

He jumped at you, making you both fall on the ground, you laughed as he gave you thousands of small pecks on your face.

Y/n "Stop that tickles!"

Kami stopped and stared at you with love, he leaned in and gave you an intense kiss, his tongue slipped in your mouth. You moaned as he grabbed your ass and smirked before separating.

Kami "If your quiet, Bakugo won't hear us~"

You didn't have time to say anything before his lips clashed with yours, they we're demanding for affection, desperate for your touch. You kissed back just as hungrily as your hands slipped under his shirt, small sparks touched your fingers as they travelled his gorgeous body.

Kami "I missed you so fucking much... Fuck!"

He kissed your neck passionately, going down to your shoulders, you suddenly winced, making him stop.

Kami "Wait did I hurt you!?"

Y/n "Not you, my burns... They hurt..."

He looked at your body with anger before it became soft, he wasn't angry at you obviously. He stood up and walked out of the room, you stayed on the floor, horny and dumbfounded. He came back 5 minutes later with a cream.

Kami "Sorry, I went to go see Todoroki for burns cream... It should help you."

He looked at you and smiled devilishly.

Kami "You gotta undress little nugget, gotta get them all..."

Y/n giggling "You mean gotta catch em all?"

Kami "Can you not for a moment I'm trying to be serious here..."

He kneeled next to you and undressed you, you looked away embarrassed.

Kami "You know I've seen you like this before, there's no point in hiding... Master~"

You face flushed red as you hid your face and he chuckled. He took the cream and gently applied it to your burns, they quickly dried and started to heal.

Kami "Now... Where we're we~"


I just cockblocked everyone.... I'm so evil....

Denki X Reader: Damnation {Discontinued}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora