Poll results

434 4 21

Hey there again.... Godamnit it another author note but you guys seem to have missed a crucial point in my last one... I'm out of ideas.... So here is what's gonna happen. The poll to continue the story has won and so now I need y'all's help, it doesn't matter if you think your idea is shitty because it might create a spark that will inspire me. So please for my sake and the sake of this story comment any ideas, it can be a full episode idea like it can be just a small idea. Anything is better then what I have rn... Witch is nothing. I read ALL COMMENTS so do not worry I will see it.

Thank you all again for the support!

-> Author-chan

Denki X Reader: Damnation {Discontinued}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin