Episode 4

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It's the end of the day... Your cooking some lasagna since you found a cook book in Kami's kitchen drawers... The lasagna has been cooking for an 1h30 so it's almost ready... You look on the sofa and see a note you didn't before...

{Hey there... If you ever need any clothes... Don't worry and just pick them out of my closet... But don't look in my drawers(-_-)!!!  Have a good day!}

Y/n "Aww he must have written that before leaving to school..."

You go in his bedroom and look at his clothes... You see alot of electricity related stuff... You grab a black sweatshirt that has lightning rings around the arms It is 4 size too big.. You laugh in the mirror when you hear Kami laughing...

Kami "You know it's one size too big for me... But your an absolute cutie in that extremely large hoodie! XD"

You blush intensly as Kami burst out laughing, He suddenly stops and looks at you seriously...

Kami "You know... I don't really know you... But I'd love too... And if you have any questions you can just ask me... Don't be shy... Also keep that hoodie it is too cute on you..."

Y/n "Alright then! I'll start! How old are you Kami?"

Kami "I'm currently 18! And also I'm on my second year at UA... If you we're interested in knowing... Okay my turn... What's your quirk?"

Y/n "I'd rather not talk about it..."

Kami "Oh come on! I won't judge I promise... I'm sure it's a great quirk..."

Y/n "Tsk... Like hell... This quirk... It could never great..."

Kami "Okay.... Well how about I tell you my quirk first... That'll be fair..."

Kami grabs a charging cable and plugs it in his phone... He then places the other end in his mouth... The phone suddenly makes a charging notification...

Kami "So? Can you guess what it is?"

Y/n "With all the clothes you wear... That lightning bolt on your head and the fact that your charging a phone with your mouth... I'd say its electricity?"

Kami "Bingo! That's my quirk... Alright... Now what's your quirk?"

You look down... You lift your hand and gather something in it... As it gathers in your hand... The shape changes into something looking like a black flame...

Y/n "It's called Damnation... I absorb negative or evil energy in the air... And change it into theses flames... Although if I uses it too long or too much... It modifies my body... My ears becomes pointy... I get a dark thin black tail... My tongue gets longuer and my canines becomes really long... Two black flames will apear on my head like horns... Once that happens... My skin turns black and I lose who I am... I become a demon and kill..."

Kami just looks at you... He completely regrets forcing you to tell him your quirk... He walks up to you...

Kami "I'm sorry I asked... And I don't care what it makes you look like..."

Kami wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly...

Kami "Your not a demon to me..."

You hug him back as you cry small tears of joy... You've been thrown away by the authorities and the law saying you we're a demon... And for once since the day you killed your parents... Knowing what you we're... Someone said differently...


Denki X Reader: Damnation {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now