Episode 5

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Kami smiles at you softly. He wipes your tears and pet your face...

Kami "I'll be your light in that darkness... You'll never be in the dark alone again okay?"

You nod as he removes his hand. You look at him with curiosity and open your mouth...

Y/n "Can I ask you more questions?"

Kami "Of course... But I wont be asking you anymore questions..."

Y/n "Okay well I was about to ask you what's your favorite colour but I'm pretty sure it's yellow..."

Kami "Hahaha I mean... I dont dislike it but I don't really have a favorite colour..."

Y/n "Huh... Okay well what's your favorite food?"

Kami "OMG hamburgers are the best Aah~"

You giggle at him moaning for hamburgers... You take a more curious look and ask your last question...

Y/n "Alright... Last question! What's your favorite hobby?"

Kami jumps at your question. He grabs his chin and blushes. He looks at you and rubs the back of his head...

Kami "Can we like skip that one... I'd rather not tell you my hobby..."

You giggle and decide to make a joke.

Y/n "What... Are you like a pervert or something?"

You laugh thinking he would join you. But instead he smiles and blushes crazy...

Y/n "I was just joking... But you didn't deny it..."

Kami "I don't see the point in lying to you..."

Kami then becomes extremely flustered as he plays with his finger. His eyes grow wide and looks at you. He grabs your shoulders.

Kami "But I respect the people unlike Mineta! It's true that I say weird thing or enjoy perverted stuff but I respect personal spaces!"

He looks at you with worry in his eyes, like he was trying to reassure you...

Y/n "It's okay... I believe you... Also I'm curious... Who's Mineta??"

Kami's eyes grew wider like they we're gonna pop out of his sockets...

Kami "Little buzzy nugget... You have to promise me to stay as far as you can from that guy... Your too trusting to be arround that guy... I hang out with him and even I think he goes over the line... Please whatever you do... Don't go near that grape... I don't want him to do things to you..."

He looks you up and down as he says the last sentence... He looks like those fathers telling their daughters to use protection. You can't help but laugh, making him let go of you and look confused...

Y/n "Alright alright... I'll stay away from the grape you spoke of. So... What do we do now?"

Kami gets a sassy look on his face...

Kami "I have an idea... It's gonna be fun trust me."

He grabs your hand and pull you to his door, he looks outside of it to see if anyone is in the corridors. Since its clear, he pulls you out and locks the door behind him before runing with you outside. He lets go of you and starts to spark up.

Kami "Let's have a friendly battle! Just you and me right here! It'll super fun!"

You can't help but find it cute... But you look at him seriously.

Y/n "Kami I don't think it's a good Idea to-"

Kami "Hey! I told you didn't I? I'm not scared of you... I- I TRUST YOU Y/N!"

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