Episode 11

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He smiles at you before opening the door, you walk in to see many different people stare at you, Bakugo slighty waves at you, witch makes that red hair guy laugh and elbow him. He stands up blushing before screaming him to shut the fuck up. You giggle before you see a shy looking kid behind Bakugo, he had familiar green hair, you gasp realizing your brother at heart was sitting there while writing in a bruned journal.

Y/n surprised "IZUKU!?"

The young boy looks up from his journal with his eyes wide open, he sees you and immediately tears up. You met Izuku when you we're at your quirk examination when you we're 4, you comforted him and became friends, quickly you saw him like a brother and he saw you as a little sister... Until you we're reported dead after your parents death. He stands up, eyes locked on you as he walks up to you, he stops and looks you up and down. He covers his mouth as tears run down his cheeks.

Izuku "Your... Your alive... Y/n..."

He gently pets your cheek before Kami growls at him, he stops and tilts his head sideways before blushing.

Kami growling "They're off limits cinnamon roll, hands off!"

Izuku confused and scared by Kami's irregular behavior "Ah!? Y-you? Him!? What!?"

You giggle before giving a gentle kiss to Kami's cheek to calm him down as he rolls his eyes and walks to his friend group.

Bakugo "They look really nice in that outfit..."

Kaminari "Bakugo... They're mine... Quit it."


Kami rolls his eyes before looking at you hug Izuku, anger rising inside of him, he didn't know what the relationship was between you two. You slapped Izuku on the back in a friendly manner before happily walking to Kami.

Y/n looking around "Hey babe, so what do we do in school?"

Everyone looked at you like you had spoken in a weird language. You felt very uncomfortable and started trembling before Kami rubbed your shoulders.

Kami "Well I'm the dumbass so I can't really answer that since I don't understand half of this, but Bakugo can probably help! He's very smart!"

You nodded and enjoyed Kami's comforting touch before hearing an adult enter the room.

Aizawa "Good morning class... This is
Y/n L/n, please be kind and patient with her... She wasn't taken care for in a long time..."

Everyone looked at you with a sad expression, they pittied you... You hated it, you weren't gonna break that easily! You sighed and sat down behind a weirdly small guy who's been eyeing you since you entered.

Weird guy "You look pretty sexy in that uniform~"

Y/n very uncomfortable "Eh... Thank... You?"

Bakugo glanced at you, his blood boiling as Mineta touched your arm and you cringed.

Bakugo sparking his hands "Hey you grape simp! GET YOUR FUCKKNG DIRTY HANDS OFF Y/N!"

With that the grape turned to look at Bakugo amused, he knew Bakugo clearly cared about you... For some reason.

Grape "They don't belong to you Katsuki~"

Kami walking angrily "Your right Mineta... They belong to me"

Kami had a very protective aura radiating off of him, he was even more threatening than Bakugo to be honest.

Mineta "Ah... Whoa we're f-friends r-right? We can shar-"

With that Kami placed his hands on Mineta's shoulders before shocking him, he screamed as Aizawa stepped in.

Aizawa alarmed "Whoa okay chill you two! All 4 of you! Detention after class!"

Mineta swayed from left to right, he looked in pain, you giggled knowing how painful Kami's currents can be. However, Kami sighed and softly caught your cheeks, gently rubbing them before pulling you into a kiss.

Kami wispering "I told you not to get near him... Be careful my little buzzy nugget~"

You smiled at the nickname before everyone sat down for class, it was pretty boring, you decided to play with the negative energy that was around and formed a flame, however it became very strong and you whined at the burning pain in your palm. The flame had caught everyone's attention, they all saw the beautifull black flame dance in your hand before violently burning you.

Aizawa concerned "Y/n please refrain from using your quirk without permission..."

Y/n still in pain "R-right... Gnn- Sorry..."

Izuku "I'll bring you to recovery girl, she knows me quite well..."

You giggle and follow as Aizawa rolls his eyes and continues the lesson. The walk is very awkward, neither of you speak, he opens the door and let's you in first.

Old lady annoyed "Oh young Midoriya what now?"

Izuku "Not me recovery girl... It's them..."

He pointed at your slightly burned hand, she giggles saying she's not surprised your his friend since your already in her office on your first day. You frown and look at Izuku as he nervously giggle, making you frown even harder.

Izuku "Let's say I like to break my bones..."

Recovery girl sarcastically "It's a passion at this point young man..."

Izuku blushes and scratches the back of his neck as you laugh with recovery girl, she ask you to stay until your fully recovered and energized. Izuku sits next to you, mumbling to himself, you try to understand his gibberish, but quickly give up on it.

Izuku broken "Y/n... What... What happened? You didn't die clearly... So why did you leave me behind like that? What did I do to make you leave..."

Your eyes widened, he was blaming himself all that time!? You sighed and gently pulled him into a hug.

Y/n shaking "It had nothing to do with you... Izuku... I... I killed my parents..."

He flinched before pulling you closer to him, you felt him kiss your forehead before placing a strand of hair behind your ear.

Izuku "I missed my little sister... It was lonely without you... I... I thought it was true... The news said you and your parents perished... In a fire of black flames..."

You sighed before placing your hand on Izuku's and leaning into his touch. Izuku had been your older brother since the day you met him, your heart felt at ease, knowing he was there again.

Kami venimously "Am I interrupting something."

Y/n smiling through tears "Just a reunion between heart sibblings"

Kami softly "Oh... I see, want some space? I can come back later..."

Izuku smiling "Nah stay... She needs you... You make her happy Denki, I need to go grab my stuff since classes are over..."

Izuku smiles at you and pats your head before leaving, you look at Kami with pain in your eyes, making him run to hug you.

Kami "Shhh your okay... I'm here little buzzy nugget... I love you okay?"

Y/n hugging back tightly "I love you too... Thank you Denki..."

Kami "Anytime baby"


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