Chapter Twenty-Six

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Meredith steps back into Olivia's ICU room, a smile on her face from having spoken to Derek, the kind of smile she hasn't worn since before William. He's coming, he'll be at the hospital in ten minutes, as he calls the rest of his team.

The room is quiet and tense, Meredith frowning as she slowly approaches the bed. Cristina's excited brown eyes meet hers, and she cocks her head for an explanation.

"Liv? Olivia? Can you hear me, Darling?" Lindsey's voice is soft and inviting, but her face is priceless.

"Is she waking up? Already?" Meredith grows even more confused. Never before has she seen a person regain consciousness so quickly after being taken off the vent. All three women nod eagerly, and four sets of eyes return to rest on the woman in the bed.  

The first thing Olivia is aware of when her brain pushes her into semi-consciousness is pain. Her leg is on fire, her back aches, her throat hurts, not to mention the throbbing in her face and hands. Her eyes refuse to open, but she can make out faint voices, though not able to hear what they're saying or identify any of them. 

She tries to move, speak, open her eyes, anything, but it seems she has no control of her body. She has no idea what time it is or how long it's been or where she is, her memory is even fuzzy as to what happened to get her here in the first place. So many questions she wants to ask, but just breathing is taking up most of her energy and focus, so she can't. Slowly, the words around her become more distinctive.

"Olivia, open your eyes for me. Come on, I want to see those gorgeous bright blues of yours that I've missed for so long." Lindsey continues to speak, begging for any sign that Olivia can hear or understand what's happening.

Ten minutes pass and Olivia hasn't made any communication efforts. Meredith is sitting now, Cristina and Callie lingering nearby outside. Footsteps and the door opening cause both blonde women to look up, and Derek is standing in the doorway, a box of chocolates in his hand. His eyes are bright, excitement radiating off of him.

"Hey," Meredith greets with a smile, and he crosses the room.

"Hi," Derek returns the smile, then moves to Lindsey's side, who's still standing over Olivia, talking to her despite the lack of responses. "I brought these-" he sets the box on a side table.    "-not flowers because I remember her whole rant a couple of years ago about how cheesy and basic flowers are and how men specifically should give better gifts."

Lindsey laughs warily, "Thank you, I'm sure she'll eat them when she wakes up."

Derek moves to the side of the bed, his soft gaze on Olivia. "Prenton, get your shit together, open your eyes, and talk to the woman who hasn't left your side in five days. That's an order." Derek pulls out his commanding voice, one he saves for in the field or when speaking to suspects.

As if on cue, a small, weak cough comes from Olivia. Meredith stands, her eyes widening, and comes to the bedside as well. Slowly, Olivia forces her eyes half-open, then all the way, trying to adjust to the bright overhead hospital lights.

"Oh my god, oh my god," A huge smile breaks out across Lindsey's face, "Hi." Olivia looks at her but doesn't say anything. By now, the blonde is tearing up, trying to hold herself together. "Say something, Liv, say anything." 

"Lin..." Olivia tries, her voice soft and scratchy, trailing off in the middle because it's too much effort for her to say more.

"Come on, Darling, please. Try, say something for me, please."

Olivia is quiet for a minute, then takes a deep breath and tries again, a small smile appearing on her cracked, bloody lips as she looks directly into her girlfriend's eyes. "Marry me."

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