Chapter Three

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It has been three days since they had saved Meredith from William Dunn. Now, Derek stands with his entire team outside of that very man's hospital room. He is handcuffed to the bedrails, two security guards on him at all times in a very isolated part of the hospital. 

Much to Derek's disappointment, William's gunshot wound was healing.

Today was the day Seattle PD was going to haul his ass off to prison until a court date could be set, and they all wanted to be there to see him off. With a glance at his watch, Derek finds it's 10:59 AM. One more minute and William will be locked up forever. 

The elevator doors open, drawing the agents' attention, and two tall, large, young men walk over to them. They are uniformed, though not the same as the normal police officers had been. The men stop in front of the FBI team, both reaching into their back pockets and pulling out credentials. They're top guards from the maximum-security prison on the far side of Seattle.

"We're here to take Mr. Dunn," The first man states, casting a cold glare into the room next to them. 

"We're just here to see him off," Derek replies, his tone cold as he steps aside to let the officers into the room. They enter the room and haul William to his feet. 

As soon as they uncuff him from the bed, he tries to break out of their grips and make a run for it. He doesn't get very far though, with a good ten people standing around him to make sure he doesn't get anywhere but prison. 

They quickly contain the psychopath and shove him forward, one guard on each side as they exit the room. The air around Derek's team becomes harsh, cold, and about as unwelcoming as it gets. Derek doesn't have to look behind him to know they all share the same facial stone expression, hate in their eyes. 

"How's my favorite little toy doing, Derek? Mary, was it? I bet she's wishing I had killed her when I had the chance." William laughs menacingly as he passes the agent.

 Derek tenses up even more and doesn't grant the killer the privilege of looking him in the eye. William just snorts in response, opening his mouth to say more but is shoves forward by a guard. 

Soon enough, William is out of sight. The aura around them relaxes a bit, but Derek doesn't move, his anger still boiling away inside of him, knowing he'll explode at anyone who tries to talk to him. 

It seems his team knows this too, so all he gets is a quick pat on the shoulder from Jake as the three women and two men pass him, heading back downstairs. It takes a few minutes for him to regain control of his emotions, but when he finally does, Derek follows them.

Knowing they had another meeting with Quinn Perkins later today, Derek figures most of his team must have gone back to the station or to the conference room to prepare. That's not what he wants to do though. What he wants is to see his girlfriend.

So, he makes his way down to the VIP wing, no guard outside her door anymore as people got the idea she needed to be left alone. He rapped lightly at the door, waiting for a response before he made a move. Within the minute, he was greeted by the exhausted-looking face of Cristina Yang.

"She's finally sleeping, shut up!" Cristina whispers harshly. 

" you want me to sit with her while you get some rest?" Derek offers. Cristina hadn't really been sleeping the past few days and it was becoming pretty obvious. Bloodshot eyes, dark bags around her eyes, even the same rumpled set of clothes. 

Cristina hesitates, still blocking the doorway with her body. 

"You should shower and get some real sleep. Eat something. Help her by helping yourself."

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