Chapter Seventeen

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"We need to get her under twenty-four-hour protection ASAP." Olivia decides, barely glancing at Derek.

"I'll call the director." He offers, pulling out his phone and dialing the secret number to the office.

"Director Landshaw." The man answers on the third ring, his voice gruff.

"This is SSA Derek Shepherd. We've got something on the Scarlet Killer."

"Shepherd? Is your team with you?" The director instantly sounds more interested.

"Agent Prenton is right here, sir."

"Why are you calling?"

"I need to request around the clock protection for Dr. Meredith Grey."

"The one Scarlet Killer survivor?"

"That's it. We've got a threat."

"Is it credible?"

"Very. We have reason to believe it's from Matthew Trahkcol."

The director curses and shuffling of papers can be heard through the phone. "Agent, I can't spare a surveillance team."

"Let my team do it, then. We'll just need the equipment."

"You're too close to the case."

"Sir, we're the best people for the job. In these circumstances, being close to the target can help ensure her safety."

"I don't have time to pull up your files...are all of your agents trained?"

"Howard and Lohan aren't," Olivia speaks up, narrowing her eyes at Derek, who was about to lie. "But they can stay on tech while the rest of us patrol." 

The director is quiet, clearly weighing the decision he has to make. "Fine. I need the current address so I can organize equipment to be sent over."

"Yes sir," Derek can't hold a smile off his face as he gives Meredith's address. 

"Keep this on the low, Agent. No one outside of your team and target pool gets to know this. Press involvement and citizen panic are the last things we need."

"Of course."

The director sighs. "Have you made any progress on the profile?"

"Some," Olivia answers, glancing guiltily at Derek. They've been so wrapped up in the court case that their progress on Matthew's profile has been slower than usual. 

"I need that done. You keep the target alive and you bring down Matthew Trahkcol. That's an order."

"Yes sir." Both Derek and Olivia promise.

"Supplies will be there in an undercover van by thirteen-hundred hours." With that, the line goes dead. Derek pulls the phone from his ear and sighs.

"How do we tell them?" Blue eyes meet blue, both swirling in thought.

"Want me to call the rest of the team?" The woman changes the subject. 

"Yes, tell them all to be here by twelve-hundred."

"Yes sir." Olivia pulls out her phone, dialing the numbers of the fellow team members. She stays in the office while Derek grabs the picture and slowly walks out towards the main room where the three surgeons are seated, making small talk.

"I'm going back to work in two days." Alex sighs, meeting Meredith's stare apologetically.

"Don't feel bad, just because I can't work doesn't mean you can't." She says, giving a pointed look to Cristina.

SurvivorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora