Chapter Thirteen

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions and discussion of rape.

"How old are you, Ms. Prenton?" Annalise asks, leaning against her table at staring down the woman on the stand.

"It's Special Agent," Olivia snaps. "And I'm thirty-five."

"So that would make you how old in 2008?"

"Um, twenty-three."

"And you were in the FBI training academy at that time?"

"Objection, relevance," Quinn cuts in.

"Overruled, get to the point Mrs. Keating." the judge orders.

"I-I was in the training academy, yes," Olivia confirms.

"I'd like to introduce item 3A into evidence," Annalise says, returning to her table and handing a sheet of paper to Quinn, the judge, and Olivia. 

"Objection, Your Honor this wasn't in the original evidence." Quinn stands, holding the paper in front of her.

"Approach, counselors." The judge commands and both lawyers come to the stand, close enough that the three can speak normally without being overheard. "What is this, Mrs. Keating?"

"It's a hospital record, it's relevant to the case. We just found it." Annalise defends.

"How exactly is a hospital record from twelve years ago relevant?" Quinn demands.

"I assure you, Your Honor if you allow me to ask a few more questions, the relevance will become perfectly clear."

The judge debates for a moment, her gaze flicking between the two lawyers in front of her. "Objection overruled. You may continue, Mrs. Keating."

Anger flares up in Quinn, but she can't argue or she'll be thrown out, so she returns to her table, sitting and waiting for this to play out. Annalise smiles over her shoulder at the other lawyer, then returns to stand in front of her table so she can continue questioning Olivia.

"Agent, can you tell me what this is?" Annalise asks, gesturing towards the paper.

"It's um, it's a hospital hospital record."

"Will you read the highlighted part?"

"P-patient allowed for a...a rape kit but refused to give a statement to the police." Olivia's voice shakes. Quinn sighs and Meredith returns to studying the table, both knowing where this is going. Lindsey's gaze doesn't waver from Olivia, as if trying to give her strength across the courtroom. The rest of the FBI exchanges confused looks, not entirely sure what's happening.

"So you were raped when you were twenty-three in the FBI training academy, but never reported it?" Annalise presses.

Olivia drops her gaze, pulling at her fingernails. "Yes."

Meredith shakes her head slightly, closing her eyes, not finding enough strength to watch. Quinn grows even angrier, cursing internally. Derek frowns, not sure what to think at all. He looks at his agents, and they all look the same. 

"And you regret not reporting it?"

"Objection, leading!" Quinn stands again.


"You were the one who got Dr. Grey's original statement?" Annalise moves on.


"Why did it take so long after she was entered into the hospital to give a statement?"

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