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Chapter 11

To my dismay, once we returned to Kayde, I couldn't sprawl out on the couch and catch up on some tv. Instead, I had catch up on homework before magic class or training, whatever you wanted to call it. I was actually anticipating the training part. I wanted to see what everyone was so gung-ho about. I slipped out of my school clothes and into the Kayde uniform. I don't understand why Cienna makes us wear these private school- like uniforms at home, but im not gonna stick my opinion in. I tried to get comfortable in my new room, fidgeting in the desk chair, finally I opened my books.

As I started finishing up my homework, I heard loud voices sound from outside my room. I slid out of my chair, shuffled into my fuzzy slippers, and fumbled out the door. As I neared the source of the voices, they began to grow louder. "Just go back to your room Lillian, It's none of your buisness" I whispered to myself. Great, now I'm talking to myself. But as I stepped infront of the door that seemed to hold the arguing pair, I couldn't force myself to turn away. I pressed my body against the door, as my ears adjusted I could finally make out the words. "Why the hell is she so important? Ever since she got here, all of you have been fawning over her. She has everyone wrapped around her finger! Im tired of it" someone yelled angrily.

"Ky, relax. She hasn't even been here three days and you already have problems with her. Well, that's not unusual I suppose. You've got a bone to pick with everyone. You should really work on your people skills" I couldn't tell if the other person was trying to calm Ky or make things worse with his jokes. Who were they talking about though. Clearly they had bothered Ky.

"Whatever man. Im done with Lillian. She's been annoying since she got here. I can't stand her, hopefully she'll be out of our lives soon." I could feel my eyes begin to burn, my vision became blurry from the tears pooling in my eyes, threatening to fall. Before I could do anything the door opened "Whatever, you clearly have problems you need to work on. Get over-" His eyes became wide as he saw me there. I could feel the warm liquid streaking down my face." I, Um. Im sorry" I choked out the words between sobs and ran back to my room. Garrett called after me but I didn't look back. I shut my door behind me and sank to the floor, hoping no one would hear my sobs. Soon after, I heard pounding against the door. "Lillian, it's me Garrett. Open up" he demanded, continuing to knock on the door.

I attempted to steady my breathing. I wouldn't let Garrett hear me crying. It was useless, "I- I'm fine really, I'm sorry I caused so much trouble, really" I mumbled through sobs. He slightly opened the door and slid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me silently and I sobbed into his shoulder for a few moments. He just sat there rubbing my back, comforting me. Finally, I broke the silence. "I didn't know I was making such an inconvenience...." I said. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. There was pain in his. "You're not an inconvienence. You're far from it actually. Ky is just bad with change" He said, trying to cheer me up. "Are you sure? I don't want to mess anything up" I replied, starting to calm my breathing. "I'm positive" he grinned "Now come on, it's time for training" He jumped up and pulled me up by my arms.


Still shaken up, I made my way to training with Garrett. When we walked in, the room was nearly full. People around my age sitting around tables and there was a man standing infront of the room. He was probably around thirty, some would say he was good looking. "That's Mr Draygan. He's a 'Professor' here" Garrett said, pointing to him. With that, we took seats at a table in the back of the room. At the table, there was a girl with jet black hair and grey eyes. A guy with shaggy blond hair and green eyes. He was actually kind of cute. And raven was also at the table. Soon after that, Will, Dianna, Dean, Cassidy, and Ella walked in and sat at the table next to us. Apparently Ky wasn't showing up. Cassidy waved to me from her table and then class began. "So where did we leave off yesterday guys?" He asked, then he made eye contact with me. "Oh, it seems like we have a new novice. What's your name" he said in his british accent. I hesitated for a moment, "Lillian Hamilton..." His eyes became wide, but he quickly covered up his suprise with an impassive face. "What's your magic?" he asked. Uh, how am I supposed to answer that. I'm not even sure. Garrett elbowed me while I hesitated and answered for me. "Most likely fire. At least we think so cause of when she burned Ky" he mused. "Interesting" Mr. Draygan said, he paused "Well, let's continue the lesson. Today we are going to harness our magic. Try to make it take a certain form. For example" Mr. Draygan held out his hand before a girl sitting at the front table. A blue light started to form around her and then Mr. Draygan formed it into a sphere above his palm. "Mr. Draygan can manipulate air and people's auras" Garrett whispered into my ear. Everyone gasped in awe at the professor's power. I merely sat there with my arms folded, watching the light flicker and move. "What does the blue mean?" the girl asked. "A blue aura means shy, but you have a survivor instinct" Mr Draygan smiled, and released the blue orb. The light diminished, and then it was gone. "Okay, I have time for one more before you try" he said and his eyes met mine again. Oh no, I thought to myself. Mr. Draygan sauntered over to my table and held out his hand before me "you ready Hamilton?" he asked.

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