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Chapter 18

I had cried my self to sleep on what used to be my kitchen floor, what should still be my kitchen floor. When I finally fully woke up, everything that had happened came flooding back. I became frantic. I pulled myself off the floor and took the laptop in my hands. It was like dead weight in my hands. Just looking at it made me want to fall apart all over again. I chucked it across the room and let out a loud scream. It hit the wall with a crash, breaking a hole in the wall. I picked up my bag and walked over to the lap top and picked it up once more. Stuffing it into my bag, I walked out of the apartment, leaving the door wide open.

I hopped into the drivers seat of my car and slammed the door shut. I could feel my anger, no, my power welling up inside me. I could feel it burning in my veins. I pushed the key in and started the ignition. I drove away, but I had no idea where I was going. I just needed to get away. I was still frantic. I probably shouldn't be driving right now. I could crash into something, someone. But I was so angry, so confused. My phone was continually buzzing. It was mostly Garrett, occasionally Ella or the others. I probably scared him when I ran off like that. "Im sorry Garrett" I said outloud. Of course he couldn't hear me though, I was alone. The only thing with me was the hurt and betrayal. Oh, and the millions of thoughts running through my brain. That really helped, not.

The buzzing and vibrating wouldn't stop. It was beginning to irritate me. I couldn't take it. I reached over to the passengers seat to grab my phone but it was wedged into the seat. I leaned over more so that I could reach it. Finally, I had gotten it. It was still buzzing, now I'd really had enough. Without a second though, I melted it in my hand, but the hot liquid burned my hand and I winced in pain, taking my eyes off the road yet again. This time, I swerved and I couldn't stop the car. I kept speeding into the woods and finally rammed into a tree. My head slammed into the air bag, I could feel the warm liquid dripping down my face. Great, I managed to burn myself and crash in under five minutes. "Good going Lill" I breathed, but everything was beginning to go dark. My vision was becoming fuzzy and my mind went blank, that's when I went unconscious.


I could hear hissing as steam, or smoke came out of the front of my car. You know, the part that rammed into a tree. I need to get out of here, I thought to myself. I pulled myself out of the car and fell to the ground. My body hurt, my head was bleeding, my hand was burned. God, I was a mess. I stumbled away from the car and deeper into the forest. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry. I continuously leaned against trees, causing a wake of fire. Everything I touched either froze or burned. The snow hissed beneath me as it melted from my touch then froze over again, creating a path of ice behind me. When I felt that I couldn't go on anymore, I propped myself up against one of the various trees, one that wasn't on fire. As I leaned my head against the tree, I looked out to the wake of destruction I had left behind.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself aloud. Why is my life turning out like this? Why does everything feel like one big mess?

"Lillian?" someone's voice echoed through my half conscious head. "Lillian!" the person's voice yelled once more. I opened my eyes only to be met with a blurry vision of someone running towards me. Finally, they were crouched in front of me. My jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Daddy?" how could he be here right now? Tears started flooding down my cheeks. "How are you here right now dad?"

"Lillian, are you okay?" his voice was just as I remembered it. His strong voice and determined, but kind and loving face... but something felt off. It's probably just my concussion right?

"Im okay daddy, really. I just, im so confused and lost. Tell me that all of this is just a bad dream. Tell me that when I wake up, you'll be alive and mom... mom will me home" I was pleading with him now. The look on his face was one of pure sadness and guilt.

"Im sorry, but this isn't a bad dream Lill. If I could make your life perfect for you, I would. You know that right? But, this is the way it's gotta be. I don't know why dad- I mean I had to die. But that's just how it had to work out. Don't worry Dianna and Garrett will watch over you. They love you" Now I could see who it really was. It wasn't my father in front of me, it was Garrett. How had I not seen it before?

I reached out to him and Hugged him tightly "Thanks Garrett, I love you" I breathed.

"How did you know it was me? Ella had me cloaked to look like dad? Dammit" he sighed then chuckled.

"It worked at first, but as you kept talking I recognized your voice and personality" I laughed.

"Hey, at least I tried. I guess that means Im sorta like dad" he smiled.

"I guess it does"

He became serious again in an instant, his warm hand stroked my head reassuringly "I love you Lill. Now, lets get you out of here" He picked me up in his arms and in an instant we were teleported back to the mansion. Garrett stood in the lobby with my body in his arms, my arms around his shoulders.

"Let's get you to your room" he said as he continued to carry me. I was greatful, because I don't think I have the strength to walk right now. Dianna was at our side in an instant. She has tears in her eyes.

"Dianna, why are you crying?" I asked as I grabbed her hand.

She looked right into my eyes and breathed "It's you, youre home" and smiled as she squeezed my hand in return. We finally made it back to my room and Garrett placed my onto my bed. Dianna instantly got to working on my injuries.

"Garrett, I need a bowl of warm water and the box of medicines from my room" Dianna ordered him around. It was actually very funny. He was gone and back in all of two seconds.

"Here" he said as he passed her what she needed and then sat next to us on the edge of my bed.

When Dianna said medicine, it wasn't the over the counter stuff or the kind your doctor gives you. No, this stuff was the real deal. Remember when she said she had healing powers? Well she did, but she also made her own medicines from the plants in the conservatory. She had countless little bottles of different color liquids or plants in the box she had Garrett get for her. As she was fiddling with the pretty vials, she pulled out one that held a purple tinted liquid inside.

"This might sting a little bit" she warned me as she poured some of the liquid onto her hand. She wiped the liquid all over the burn on my hand and then held it. After a few seconds she closed her eyes and the liquid started glowing. It did sting, it stung so bad. I winced in pain. After a few minutes, the pain was gone and so were most of the burns. She washed away the liquid with some of the water and a cloth and then wrapped my hand in anothe cloth- wrap. Then she dipped her cloth in the water again and washed away the blood that had dripped all the way down my face and seeped into the collar of my jacket. This was my favorite jacket too. Then she pulled out three different vials and poured them together to create this red liquid- kind of like cranberry juice colored. She handed it to me.

"Here, this will help with the concussion and the pain. It's going to make you tired though, so don't fight it. Sleep is part of how your body heals" she leaned in close and gave me a big hug. She didn't let go. "I'm so happy you're back. We'll talk when you wake up" and then she picked up her stuff and left.

Garrett moved closer to me and said "I'm sorry I scared you Lillian. But when I remembered it killed me that you didn't. I needed my little sister back." He looked so sad.

I placed my hand on his lap and he placed his over mine, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand. "no, I'm happy you told me. I'm sorry I ran off. I just didn't know what to do."

"Well, like I said. I needed my sister. I'm glad you're back"

A tear streamed down my cheek. And I wiped it away with my free hand. "I love you Garrett, thanks for helping my remember"

"Love you too little sis. Now take your medicine so that you feel better" he stood up and kissed the top of my forehead, then he was gone.

Now I was alone again. My body still ached but I was feeling better, thanks to Dianna. I took the liquid medicine, and can I say, it tasted nasty. It was so gross, but like a good girl, I swallowed it. She wasn't lying when she said it would make me drowsy because in a few minutes I was asleep. When I woke up I would have to face my mother, my real mother, and everyone else I had left behind.

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