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My heels clacked against the smooth obsidian flooring; boy, is Nathaniel going to love the news I have for him or what? I thought to myself. Maybe he'll even give me special treatment for my amazing work. Who would have known the muse we had been looking for would be right under our noses? Months ago, when Nathaniel told us to locate this 'muse' I thought it was impossible. He told us it was imperative that we find her. I knocked on my coven leader's door and waited for a response. "Come in" said a burusque voice from beyond the large door. I opened it slightly and slipped in.

"You'll never believe the news I have for you sir" I said in a self-confident tone as I sauntered over and sat down in the arm chair in front of my mentor's desk, hanging my legs over the side.

"What is it Ebony? I don't have time for your tedious games" He said exasperatedly.

"Come now, that's no way to treat someone with valuable information. Maybe I don't feel like sharing anymore" I said teasingly. My sass and 'arrogance' usually got me into trouble; like today with that bitch Ella. She couldn't just let me expose Lillian for who she truly is. Victory would have been great, no, it will be. I can't wait to see the look on Ella's face when she finally realizes i've beaten her. She thinks her nice girl mask can fool everyone, that she can get under everyone's skin, but she can't. I'll show everyone that Im better, that she's not as perfect as everyone believes she is. I've been working for years to be the only apprentice in Nathaniels eyes. I've been disciplined, i've been merciless, I always do what he asks. I deserve this.

Nathaniel slammed his fist onto his desk "Enough" he paused "Either tell me what you know or get out", his anger was getting the best of him, as usual.

I sighed, playing with a strand of my black hair "I found her" 

He froze, his pulse slightly accelerating, "what?" I could see the flicker of darkness spark in his eyes. What was he planning. He always kept things hidden. He leaves for long periods of time, with no notice of when he's coming back or what he's doing. He has stacks upon stacks of dark and black magic books and grimoires. Whatever it is, I want to be part of it. 

"I found her, Lillian Kayde. Well right now she goes by the name Lillian Hamilton, but im sure that will change shortly" I said.


"Leighton Heights high, It was pretty easy to figure out who she was actually. Apparently she burned one of Kayde's... 'students'" I said with self assurance. The look on his face was priceless, yes, this was so worth it. The weeks of hard work were finally starting to pay off. I wonder why she matters so much. She's just one person, and a novice at that.

"Well, this" he paused. "This changes things. Good work, Ebony. Maybe you aren't useless after all. I guess we'll have to pay Cienna Kayde a visit. We'll need to see this Lillian Hamilton soon." He said.

"Great we have to go to that motley group of so called 'magic users' home?" I scoffed, while actually complaining. Cienna Kayde takes in any lone magic user, usually novice teenagers and tries to help them "be the best they can be" or "understand themselves" how rediculous. Nathaniel tells us theres no point in rewarding us for what we achieve. No point in trying to dumb things down for us. Our dark magic is a gift, our power lets us take what we want. We can bend people to our will. We can break them. With my ability to manipulate someones life-force, I usually get what I want. It feels amazing, having that dark energy pent up inside me until in practically bursts out of me. I could kill anyone with the mere flick of my wrist, if I wanted. I could do  dark, dark things. Lillian Hamilton has no idea what she's getting herself into. When I get the chance, Im going to have some fun, lets see how strong she is. 

With that, I got out of my chair and swiftly walked away. When I opened the door, Nathaniel softly said "good work Ebony. Your work will soon pay off" Facing the door, my lips tugged into a maniacal grin. Yes, my work will pay off very soon. 

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter! I had fun writing it. Please let me know what you think.

Also, I just started writing a new book called A Royal Match. ( It is NOT the 'merricup' one. It is the one with the cover of the girl in a pink dress reading a book) I would really appreciate it if you checked it out. 

Thanks everyone! Please let me know what you think. I love hearing from you guys ^.^

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