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As I lean against the hood of my 2010 Jeep Wrangler, I slide my headphones over my ears and blast my music. She's always late. I sigh as I repeatedly hit shuffle until Im satisfied with the song. Ten minutes later, after listening to the same song on end, I decide to call Ella. "Come on Ell, pick up, pick up..." "Hello?" "Oh! Hey Ell, where are you? Im driving right?" I say as I start to hear footsteps in the distance. "Lill, why so many questions? Im right behind you. Calm down" she laughs as she hangs up.

"Well you could have at least told me you'd be late" I say as we both get into the car. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that, something came up" she says as she pulls the seatbelt over herself and turns on the radio. As we drive down the dirt road, I decide to ask, "so, what came up?" She stiffens. "Oh, ya know. I had to talk to Mr. Waltman about homework" she replies and waves her hand as if to say let it go, but I don't catch on. "Since when did you care about your homework or grades?" I ask as I wait for the light to switch to green. "since we're graduating this year" she says with a huff "but anyways, I wanna do something tonight. Guess what?" She waits for me to guess with bright expectant eyes. I sigh inwardly "Just tell me Ell, I don't feel like guessing" "You're no fun" she giggles. "Well, being the amazing best friend that I am, I got us invited to this really cool mansion JUST outside of town!!" She replies like someone just told her she'd won a billion dollars. Yes, she took her parties that seriously. "And..." I paused "You want me to go?" I ask, not really enthusiastic. Parties? My thing? Not so much... "Of course I want you to go! Now, how about we do some shopping?" she says excitedly. "Why? Can't I just wear jeans and a shirt?" I ask already knowing that she will scold me. "No way! We need dresses Lill! What kind of party do you think we're going to?" She asks in all seriousness. I switch my directional to right to go toward the mall with a sigh. "Fine" I say "But you are NOT making me look like a poofy cupcake." We both laugh. "Never" she replies.

As we enter the mall, Ella's face brightens like a child's on christmas morning. She starts skipping around and snatching dresses off racks."Im pretty sure you're not even looking at any of these dresses" I say as I finally catch up to her. "Of course Im not" she replies as if the reason was obvious "That's part of the fun, I suggest you do the same Lill" she calls back to me half way down the aisle. As I make my way down the aisle, I spot a black dress. I pull it off the rack as if it were to break with the slightest movement. I rush over to the dressing room to see Ella come out with a Cerulean blue dress on. It had a large scoop in the back and sleeves to her wrists, It came down to just above her knee. "How do I look?" she asks. "You look amazing!" I reply feeling selfconcious about myself. "Ooh! you found a dress! Try it on, try it on, try it onnnn!!" she whines in anticipation. I reluctantly walk into the dressing room and slip into the dress. Can I say, Wow. The dress fit perfectly, like a glove. It hugged my body. Lace covered the the black and lined the bottom of the dress. It was a little shorter than Ella's, but I loved it. I hear a knock on the door. "what's taking so long? I wanna seeeee" I hear Ella shout from the other side, undoubtedly getting numerous stares. I stepped out of the dressing room, and Ella's eyes open wide in suprise. "Oh my gosh! You look HOT! Guys are gonna be falling all over eachother to get to you" she teases. "Thanks" I reply, suddenly feeling the urge to go back into the dressing room and hide. We both change out of our dresses and pick out matching heels. After we finish we pay for the outfits. "That was actually kinda fun" I say as we place the bags in the trunk of the car. Ella places her head on my forehead. "Are you alright?" she asks while laughing. She's mocking me because I don't usually share her views on shopping. "Shut up" I retort.

After we get back to my house Ella picks up her car and takes off. "Mom?" I call as I shut the front door. "In here honey, how was your day?" she replies in her groggy sugar coated voice, indicating she just woke up. "It was fine. Ella wants to take me to a party tonight" I say as I pull out a can of Iced tea from the fridge. "Oh, sounds like fun. Did you go shopping?" she asks, not looking away from her laptop as she types what I assume to be her latest article. "What's this one about?" I ask as I step behind her to read her lap top. She quickly shuts it. Before It officially closes I catch a glimpse of the words Dear Susanne...... Concerning Lillian.....Sincerely, Cienna Kayde. I don't question it because I know my mom will scold me for reading it but I keep what I read in the back of my mind. "Oh, you know, the usual, Restaurant Ratings" she replies shakily. I sigh inwardly. More people keeping secrets... I walk towards my room. As I walk in, I call back "I'm getting ready for the party. I probably won't be back until late tonight so don't wait up." I was telling myself more than her, because I knew she wouldn't wait up for me. I didn't wait for a response and I shut the door.

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