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Chapter 17

I slammed the car door and trudged up the steps. The familiar steps that I have known all my life, but apparently it's been only nine years. I pounded on the door furiously. There was no answer. I fished through my bag to find the key. Yes, I still kept it with me. Unlocking the door with ease, I slipped into the apartment. "Mom?" I called from the doorway. Once more, there was no answer.
Walking further into the apartment, I took in my surroundings. The apartment was bare... Empty. What happened? "Mom!" I called out again but there was still no answer. I was now in the living room/ kitchen. The rooms were separated by a now bare island counter. The only thing left was a computer... Her computer. What is going on? She would never leave her computer behind. She needed it for work, for everything.
I cautiously made my way to the laptop. It was already on. My mother's face was on the screen. It was a video. I tentatively pressed play. She looked sad, almost afraid to say what she had to.

"Hi honey" she said from the computer screen. It seemed as though she thought I would respond. I didn't. I just slipped into the chair and continued watching. She continued to talk, "I know what you're thinking... 'Where's mom? Why is everything gone? What happened? Is she okay?' I love that about you sweetheart" she paused. She started to get choked up "I want you to know that I will always love you. I know you thought I wasn't a very good mother after your father died. But I loved you with all my heart. I loved watching you grow up, you've become an amazing girl and now that you're with... Your mother, your real mother, Cienna, you will become even better. I know you're wondering why everyone has kept all of this a secret from you and I would tell you but... That's Cienna's right. She should tell you" she paused once more.

I felt myself begin to tear up. I couldn't handle this. I'm not ready for the truth. I want my old life back. I want her, she's my mother. I want my father. Why is everything messing up? My life shouldn't be like this. I don't care if it was a lie. I want my old life back. Susanne pressed on "I will tell you what I can, what I'm allowed to say. This will be a vague portion of the story. Lillian, you need to talk to Cienna. Anyways, when you were eight, your father, my.... Brother. Yes that's right, Jon was my brother, not my husband. He died. Certain circumstances prevented you from living with your family after that. So your mother took certain... Measures, precautions to protect you. That included wiping your memory of everyone from your old life, and theirs of you. Then you were sent to live with me, as my daughter, because I don't have magic and you would blend in. Become invisible, that was your mothers goal. She made a promise to protect you to your father. She didn't wipe your memory of him because you were so close to him and he loved you so much. She wanted you to have some piece of your old life back. She hoped that you would never find out about your magic. She wasn't able to take it away but she suppressed it. Unfortunately, Ella made the mistake of bringing you back into that world and lifestyle" she stopped yet again. She was now in tears. "A few days ago, well I'm assuming it's been a few days. I don't know when you'll find this but Cienna came to visit me. She told me it would be better for us if I stepped out of the picture. I didn't want to. I held my ground, I didn't want to leave you but I knew what she was saying was right. She can do so much more for you that I can't. That's why I left. And no, sweet heart, I won't tell you where I am. You can't come find me. This is your life now, live it, enjoy it. Experience your life with magic. Remember the life you used to have. But know, I will always love you. And hopefully, I will be back someday. Goodbye Lillian, you will always be my daughter to me"

The video stopped and the screen went black. The computer finally died. I stared at the screen. I was screaming on the inside. Tears were flying down my face. My breath came out in raw choked gasps. "No" I breathed. She couldn't leave. I tried to turn the laptop back on, it was no use. It was gone, dead. And of course, she got rid of the charger. I fished my phone out of my bag and frantically dialed her number. It rang once and then the robotic voice on the other end said " the number you have called is no longer available. The line has been disconnected." I re-dialed numerous times with the same response. She was really gone. She just left my life with no warning, no goodbye? I clutched my head in my hands. "NO" I screamed.


I know, I know, I missed my publish day last thursday. I just didn't have any time to work on my stories. Im on spring break now so Im aiming to publish more frequently. Sorry again.

How does everyone like the story so far? I'd really like to hear from some of you. Tell me what you think, do ya like it? Do ya hate it? (Hopefully not, hahaha) Who is your favorite character so far? 

Next chapter teaser: Lillian finally breaks. Don't you think it's time she's had enough of the lies and the secrecy? Maybe just adjusting to her old life in general? And what about Susanne? she left Lillian without any warning. 

Please keep reading! Things are going to get a lot more interesting. Im really excited to write this next chapter. I've been planning this chapter for a while now, cant wait to actually write/ publish it. Please vote/ comment/ or message me, or all three :) love you guys, thanks for reading. It really means a lot, I love writing on wattpad and having all of you read it. 

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