Kayde Chronicles ~ INTRO and CHAPTER I NORMAL DAY

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Thank you for reading my first story on Wattpad. I will try to update every week. I would appreciate to hear your comments on the book and for you to vote as the story goes along to get other readers interested. If you like a chapter click the little star and comment your thoughts. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Kayde Chronicles © 2015 Elizabeth Sinclaire. All rights reserved. No part of this literary work may be reproduced or used in any form without written consent from the author.


Memories. Those are what go through my mind when I sleep. Memories of my father. I don't even know if you could call them memories- they're not even mine. They're from his past, from before he died. I don't even recognize the person he is. He's young and energetic. Granted, he was young when he died and he always looked young and full of life. He's running, just running. Through a forest of beautiful shades of green, dew danced on the tips of each blade of grass. He is with a woman- I guess a friend, because it's not my mother. Or anyone I've seen before, but I feel like I know her. They look like they're having fun. But before I can continue the dream, see what happens next- I wake up to the monotonous blare of my alarm clock.

After I press the snooze, multiple times, I stumble out of bed and down the hall. I'm careful not to wake my mother as I peer into her room. She lays there, sprawled between her blankets. "Another late night?" I whisper to myself as I slowly close the door. My mother has a not so successful job as a writer in a local magazine, which causes her to work to late hours and start her days in the afternoon. I continue down the hall with my usual routine. "Hmm.... what's for breakfast this morning?" I say as I search through the kitchen. I spot a muffin on the counter, the quickest and easiest option. After I finish my muffin, I get ready for school. I apply some makeup- not too much- just enough. Then, I get dressed- the usual crop top and black skinny jeans. I lace up my black combat boots and pull on a light jacket. It's the beginning of fall. It isn't exactly cold, but I always like having something extra to wear. I walk down the hall way once more and grab my bag. Then, I walk out the door.

"Hey there!" I jump.

"Oh, it's just you Ella, you scared me. Are you ready for school?" I say as I lock my front door.

"What do you mean "JUST you"? and no, im not ready, im never ready" She says in reply. Ella is my best friend, I've known her for as long as I can remember. We've always been together. I dont think I remember a time we haven't been together. Ella Has beautiful shoulder length blonde hair. She is about 5'7 where as I am 5'5. I have brown hair with a very noticable red tint. Ella has brown eyes and I have green eyes. We are practically total opposites, but I guess thats what drew us together.

"You're driving right?" she yawns as I walk towards the car. That's another thing, our personalities are totally different also. We're both popular but people like each of us for different reasons. They both like our looks. Ella is more outgoing than I am, but im the cocky one. I think we both push each other to be more outgoing than the other. I am stronger that Ella, i've been taught combat since a young age, for reasons im not sure of. I am also artistic. Ella is miss popularity, she works her charsima to get people to do anything for her. I don't really 'use' my charisma, it's just there. Ella loves to have people fall all over her, especially if they're a hot guy. I don't like it when people try hard to impress me, but I wouldn't mind a hot guy here and there. We both hop into the car and drive to Leighton Heights High In Virginia. It's the second month of my senior year. "Once I graduate I'm outta here" I say as I park the car.

"You've been saying that since we were Kids" She laughs and I frown.

"I'm not kidding! I'm gonna go far away and leave Leighton Heights in my rear view mirror!" I say as we stride to the front entrance.

"Well what about me?" she holds up her hands as she asks.

I put my arm around her and say " you're coming with me, of course." I put on a grin from ear to ear.

"You're cra-" she starts to say but I bump into something seemingly like a brick wall and fall to the floor.

"Owww..." I say to a pair of shoes. I start to look up and see a pair of brown eyes stare back down at me. Nope, not a brick wall. He holds out his hand to help me up and I take it, bewildered. "Th-thanks" I say. This day has gotten to a bad start already. I think to myself.

He smirks, "Yeah, Just pay attention next time" He laughs. Ok, RUDE. Somebody show this guy some manners, please. "MY names Will"

"Lillian," I say as I glare daggers at him - he doesn't notice. Ella elbows me and stirs me out of my glaring trance. I snap to. "I'm new here" No kidding sherlock "would you mind showing me around?" he asks. No, actually.

"Umm, I don't know, I can't just leave El-" She elbows me, again. She needs to stop doing that. Now my left arm has become sore and I rub it to make sure she knows she hurt me. "Of course she can! Right Lil? I'll see ya in homeroom." She winks at me and strides away. There she goes again. I turn around to catch Will staring at me.

I sigh, "So what's your first class?"

So, what did everyone think of the first chappie?? Did Ya like it? Do you think any things going to happy with will?? I'd love to hear everyone's opinions and ideas. I enjoy writing this story and I want you to enjoy reading it so please message or comment :) thanks guys and please keep readin! :)

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