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Hey Everyone!

how are you doing? sorry it's taken me so long to update. Ive been kinda busy with school and I just got a job, hopefully I'll be able to update more often. I hope you guys like the chapter. I added a few plot twists, Let me know what you think! Are any of the twists surprising? Who's your favorite character so far?

Let me know. I love hearing from all of you. anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 19

Half groggily, I opened one eye. My surroundings were covered in darkness. The only source of light came from my clock on my nightstand. It read 2:30 am. I quickly closed my eye as I sighed.

While trying to find sleep once more, I heard the sound of creaking wood from the far side of my room, near my door. The door squeaked slightly as someone twisted the knob and pushed it open a crack. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Heavy footfalls from boots sounded as the person neared my bed. They loomed over me, their breath fanning my face.

Keep your eyes shut Lillian

"How could you have been so stupid? You didn't have to run away.... You should have just come home..." The deep voice said. It sounded familiar... Maybe Dean's or Garrett's. No, neither of them sounded like that.

The person continued "Lillian..." He took my injured hand in his own and brushed stray strands of hair out of my face. "Next time, don't choose to be alone. I- I know I've been an ass lately but... Uh... What I'm trying to say is.... Uh. Oh what the hell" he planted a firm kiss on my lips and strutted away towards the door anxiously.

I opened my eyes and watched the figure retreat towards the door. The light from beyond it illuminated his body... Ky? It was Ky!? Ky of all people.... That's not even possible... Ky hates me, he wished I never came here... How am I supposed to deal with this when I wake up? I touched my lips, they were still warm from his kiss. Honestly, Today is quite possibly the weirdest day of my life....


I woke up to a slight headache and a body hovering over me. My view was obscured by doubled and blurred vision. After blinking a few times, my vision cleared, revealing Cienna... My mother.

"Mom" I said warily.

She turned to look at me. Her expression was one filled with joy yet sadness. "Lillian! I was so worried about you. I'm so sorry" she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

I winced in pain. My hand still burned and my concussion hurt like hell. I squirmed in Cienna's grasp. Since I began to remember my life yesterday, memories have been flooding into my mind. Most of them smashing into me like a truck.

As much as I love remembering my old life... Everything felt uncomfortable... Alien even. I began to inch out of Cienna's grasp and a manner of hurt stiffened her appearance.

"I-I I'm sorry. I'm just not reall-" I began to say, but Cienna interjected

"Comfortable.... I understand. It's okay" she said with a sad smile. I could tell it killed her to have me pull away, but it was a reflex.

My body tensed in awkwardness. What happens now? Do we try to pick up the pieces of our old life or do we leave it behind us in a cloud of dust?

"Lillian... I- I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen and I understand if you don't want to see me as your mother" she said with a solemn expression.

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