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The three of us sit in the car on our way to my apartment. I'm driving, Ella's in the passenger seat, and Garrett is in the back- hovering over my seat, of course. After a few minutes of awkward silence Ella asks " So, do you think your mom is home?"

"When is she never?" I retort. My mother barely leaves the house, unless she has work to do. I can't remember the last time she came to an event at school. as I think about my mother's 'social' life I pull up to my apartment building. "I guess this is it..." I say, practically in a whisper.

We make our way to my front door and I unlock it. As we make our way in I peer inside and see the light of the muted tv reflecting against the hallway walls. "Mom?" I call into the distance. We walk further into the room and my eyes fall upon my mother, glued to her computer. A cup of coffee probably luke warm sitting on the table in front of her. Finally, she looks up.

Her eyes become wide "oh, honey, you're here already? And I see you've brought your friends?" she says drowsily.

"Hi Mrs. Hamilton. How are you?" Ella says to my mother nervously.

"Oh Ella, I'm doing good. You look as lovely as ever. What are you three doing here anyways? Lillian, you could have told me you were having friends over, I would have clea-"

"Mom" I interject. "I,...I..., you knew about dad. You knew about me... and you never... you never said anything?" I say, tears welling in my eyes, threatening to fall down my face.

"Yes. Lillian, honey, I did know. But, I couldn't say anything, and I'm so so sorry for that, but... I couldn't say anything" now she looked more awake than she had in years. Not only was she awake, but a look of remorse clouded her face.

"You couldn't... or you didn't want to?" I say heavily.

"Lillian..." Ella whispers.

My mother doesn't answer, her only answer is her silence. She hesitates a little longer before answering. "I have boxes and packing supplies in the hallway. Use whatever you need" she say as if it pained her but then turned right back to her laptop. Before I turn away and head towards my room, I see a tear stream down her face, but she swiftly wipes it away.

Once were in my room we get started. Ella starts packing my books, neatly and alphabetically- the usual Ella. I head toward my closet, a cardboard box full of packing peanuts in my arms. Garrett heads straight for my dresser... I panic and dash in front of him. I had almost forgotten he was here, there hadn't been any jokes or witty comments since we left the mansion. "Don't even think about it Garrett" I say with a glare.

His hands fly up in defense, "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking was out 'Lill'" he says with a smirk.

I head towards the closet to start packing, keeping my eye on Garrett. I rummage throughout my closet, packaging and folding. I continue to clean the closet until a single box remains. I reluctantly pull it out. I pick it up and sit on my now bare bed, holding the box awkwardly in my arms. As I open the box I recognize all of the things inside.

My father always used to talk about treasuring what we have and never letting go of memories. After he died I really understood what he meant so, I started collecting things I thought I would want to remember or hold onto. Things that seemed important in that moment. His death really taught me not to take things for granted. I felt a tear stream down my face. I quickly wiped it away so that Garrett and Ella wouldn't notice. First, I pull out the last birthday present from my father- a teddy bear- I know what you're thinking, 'how unoriginal' but really, I didn't matter. It was special in it's own way. I pressed the soft bear against my face, it still smells like him. The peppermint and the outdoor sent he got from always being outside. I think that scent was always with him. I fumble through the remaining contents of the box. I notice some cards and old photos. I flip through the photos, one catches my eye. I don't remember putting this one in here... The picture is of me and my father. I'm about five in the image, but that isn't what troubles me. Beside my father is Cienna, and on either side of me are Dianna and Garrett. We're all laughing and it looks so natural. I stare at the picture for a few minutes. Garrett sees me.

"What's that?" he asks giddily.

"Ah, nothing. Just some... pictures" I say wearily while stuffing the contents back into the box. "Are we almost done yet?"

"I was just about to tell you... Garrett teleported all of the boxes already. We're just waiting on you Lill. You okay?" Ella says.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine" I say waving my hand to dismiss it. Garrett reaches for the box in my arms. "I got this one. Let's just go" I say, walking out of my room and down the hall.

I'm nearly out the door when my mother calls to me. "Lillian, are you leaving already? I have something for you" she said.

"Um, well we were just about to leave so" I say, trying to earn myself a quick escape.

"We'll be in the car Lill" Ella says as she pats me on the shoulder. I groan silently.

"Lillian I wanted to give this to you. Your father picked it out for you before he died." It was a necklace made of gold with an emerald wrapped in gold.

"It's beautiful mom" I say in awe.

She reaches to place it around my neck. In that moment I feel a pang flood through me. What was that? I look to my mother but she didn't seem to notice.

"Your father wanted you to have this. You really meant a lot to him... you know that right? and... you mean a lot to me as well" she said through a shaky voice and tear stained cheeks.

"I know mom. And I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry" I said as I buried my face in her shoulder. She stroked my long amber hair.

" I understand. Don't worry. This is for the best" she paused " now you'd better get going. It's getting late."

And with that I walked out the door and left my old life behind. I entered the car, "everything alright?" Ella asked.

"Just fine" I paused with a forced smile "let's head back." With that Garrett drove us home.

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