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I stayed awake late into the night, bringing a thick blanket over me on the balcony as I watched the moonlight dance across the ocean waves.

It was times like this I really missed my Mother. With all the stories my Father told me, I felt like I knew her.

But with the feelings of thinking about her, the sense of guilt was there as usual. She died during childbirth. It was a complicated birth, and I barely made it apparently.

In the morning when my maids came into the room to get me ready, I just sat at my vanity and let them do what they wanted with my hair, and even chose my outfit for me.

It was a red silk dress, that had a tight bodice, and had diamond imbedded into the lace covering the top.

Once I saw one of the maids go into my large cabinet, I sighed. I knew I would be expected to wear my crown today.

The necklace and earrings I wore, matched the white gold crown, and I barely recognised myself as I looked in the mirror.

"You look beautiful, your highness" Clara said with a smile.

I thanked her with a perfected smile.

Jimin offered his arm to me as we walked towards the dock, and I couldn't deny the pit in my stomach getting larger the closer we got. In the distance of the ocean, I could make out two ships, that were very grand and large.

My Father, and the whole of his guard, along with the high council was here.

They all bowed to me as I got closer to them, as my Father offered his arm to me, I went to him, leaving Jimin and the few of my own guard to go and stand with the King's men.

"Strange how they are arriving at the same time" I said quietly to my Father as we watched the ships get closer.

"It was planned. They met during the night's sail. Fair advantage, in meeting you at the same time" he breathed out.

I nodded, and as I looked behind me, we could see some of the common folk, looking over the high walls from the Kingdom, wondering why their King and Princess were here.

As the ships got closer, I could tell them apart. Egestas colours were mainly rich purples, while Ursa's was deep green. The ships around the docking area, were all a rich red, matching our colours.

It took a view minutes as they docked their ships, and I could see many people on board, running around, as the servants got the luggage ready to take off the ship.

You could see each Prince's personal guard, it seemed like they had brought two each, as they all slowly got off front the ship, and waited at the bottom.

I tensed my hand around my Fathers arm as I saw a tall and broad man, his over coat was deep green, matching the ship and the chest plates of his guards.

He had wavy black hair, that blew with the sea breeze, exposing his forehead. I had to keep my expression neutral, the closer he got.

His smile was very inviting, and he quickly bowed as we met eyes.

"Prince Taehyung, we welcome to you Decoris" My Father said with a bright smile.

"I thank you for your invitation your highness, it's an absolutely beautiful place. I wish I had came here sooner, with my travels" Taehyung said, his voice was so much deeper than I was expecting.

We looked at one another again.

"And this is my daughter, Alessia" my Father said, looking down at me.

I tilted my head down quickly in a small bow, it wasn't custom for any of the royal family to bend their back to any other royalty that were on their country.

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