Past (Part 1)

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I was sitting in my room, hearing all those muffled voices of my parents, fighting. This had become a normal routine for me now. These days, dad would come home drunk and shout at mom. And mom just kept listening to all his shit, just because of me. She never said, but I knew it. She was just trying to save me from him, from that monster I didn't know. The monster disguised as my dad, for years maybe. Or what if I was the one unable to recognize him.
But I wasn't going to tolerate it today. He had been doing what he wanted to do, si now I'll do what I want to. I went downstairs, and just at that moment, he hit my mother across her face. As she fell down, I could see her pride and confidence falling down. She didn't respond for a complete minute, and then, I noticed her shoulders shaking. I reached for her, and held her shoulders, and glared at him, who was now staring both of us.
I went to him and held him by his collar.
"How dare you hit her?" I said with tears of anger in my eyes.
He jerked my hands away, and pushed me back, and my back hit the table harshly, causing me to whimper. A wave of pain surged through me, up my spine.
"You stupid kid, is this the way you talk with your father?"
"No. This is the way to talk to a drunken bastard, who knows nothing except for puking out poison, and hitting his wife like a complete asshole." I spat back at his face.
He was now red with anger and I knew I had caught a weak nerve.
He strode towards me and held fistful of my hair in his hand.
"Is this what your mom has taught you? To back answer your elders."

"This is not the way to talk to your elders, but this is the correct way to talk to a person like you. You don't deserve respect dad. Oh, why am I even calling a person like you dad? You don't deserve any damn thing in this world. You'll rot in hell dad, oh sorry, Mr. Kim." I managed to say.
"I've had enough of you," and with that, his hand landed on my face, and I could feel blood on my lip. But I wasn't going to stop. I was ready for any damn thing today.
"You're not a real man dad, because a real man never hits like a coward."
But what he did next, I was never ready for that.
"Let me show you how much of a man I am. You'll regret each second of your life on this planet." He said, dragging me towards his room.
He threw me inside and latched the door. I was shivering out of fear, because now I had a slight idea of what he was going to do, but I was solely responsible for this.
"There's no way out now." I thought.
I could hear my mom shouting from the other end of the door.
"Leave her alone, she's just a kid. Whatever she did was absolutely unintentional. Please spare her."
My mother begged, but he wasn't ready to listen.
He reached near the bed I was on, and started leaning in.
My hand searched for something to hit, and it caught something, a vase. His favorite one that he bought from Japan, so why not shatter both of them together?
I hit his head hard with the vase, and he fell on the floor, holding his head. The vase was now lying completely shattered into pieces, and he, unconscious.
I quickly got up and opened where I found my mother sitting on the floor. As she saw me, she stood up and hugged me. But when she saw the scenario in the room, she was frightened to her bones. She came inside and checked him. He was still unconscious. She started checking his pulse and all.
"Mom, what are you doing? I wasn't that harsh, unlike him, who chose to do this....." I cringed thinking what he was about to do with me, if I hadn't smashed his head.
But my mom's face was pale, as if she was in a shock.
"What happened mom?"
"He's dead. Are you listening? He's fucking dead." She cried out.
I wasn't Able to process what she just said. Dead. Was he? Did I just kill a person? Have I become a murderer?
All these questions crossed my mind, and all of them had just one answer, yes, a solid yes.
We both were now equally frightened. We didn't know what we were gonna do with this fact that the man lying in front of us was dead.
"What do we do now mom?" I asked with shivering voice, sitting beside her. She was starting at his dead body in utter disbelief, as if he's kidding us, but unfortunately, he wasn't.
"Look, we're gonna dump him, and move out of here." She said finally wiping her tears.
I could just look at her because I wasn't able to say anything at this remark made by her.
"What are you saying mom?"
"Yes darling, we'll have to do it. We have no other option left. We're gonna bury him in the backyard and then, we'll move out of here. Understood? Now help me with it."
I nodded and we both somehow managed to carry him downstairs. We buried him there, packed our things, and took the money, and got ready to move to......well I don't know where.
We locked our home, where I had spent some beautiful moments of my life and now, we're leaving it, just like that. But the situation demanded this, and we had to do it.

Then, we were finally out of our house, and made our way towards some safe place for the time being. Meanwhile, I was just praying to God, that now there shall be no more problems in our lives. I wanted both of us to live our lives happily from now on.

Hi guys, I hope you all are doing good. Stay safe and stay healthy during these difficult situations, and thank u for reading it.

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