Chapter 1

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A ray of sunlight entered the room through the space between the curtains, and filled the room with its positivity.
And at the same time, my alarm went off, and I took out my hand from inside the quilt and switched it off.
I pulled down the cover, and got up on my bed.
And like everyday, I thanked God for one more beautiful start of one more wonderful day.
I got down, and moved towards the washroom, to complete the basic necessities of morning.
At the breakfast table, while having my breakfast, I got a call from my senior, informing me to come early. I quickly finished my food and left for work.
I reached office on time, and headed towards boss's cabin.
"Excuse me sir." I said knocking on the door.
"Come in Kim."
I went inside. He gestured me to have a seat, and I followed his suit.
"So Taehyung, I've called you early for a reason. Listen to me very carefully, and remember that this information is highly confidential, and you know what I mean."
I nodded, taking in the seriousness of the situation.
"Taehyung, you're now promoted as our special undercover police officer. So congratulations for that."
And to say I was happy would be a complete understatement. I had wanted this for my whole life. And now, it's really happening.
"Thank you so much sir. I'm very grateful to all of you who considered me fit for the position. This actually means a lot to me." I said, controlling my emotions, because dude, whatsoever, this is workplace.
"And Taehyung, we've got your first operation ready. I hope you're ready for it."
"Sure sir."
"Good. I'll give you the complete details till evening, and till then, you can enjoy yourself." He said smiling, and patted my shoulder before leaving the cabin.
I quickly left the building, because now, it was becoming impossible for me to control myself.
I decided to go to my favorite café, owned by one of my friends.
It was just a few blocks from the building so, I walked till there. The name of the café is 'Stardust'.
I went in, leading to chiming of the bell at the entrance.
My friend at the counter looked in the direction of entrance, and smiled noticing me there.
"Hey Tae." He said coming to me.
"I'm good Kook, how are you?"
"Fine bro. Come. Let's talk over coffee."
We sat at the furthest table, which was a little private too, and ordered cappuccino for both of us.
"So the thing is I've got a raise in my job, and I'm extremely happy Kook. It's like a dream come true."
"Woah Tae. Congratulations. I knew your good work will pay you off."
"Thanks Jungkook. And this is my treat."
"I have absolutely no objection." He said raising his hands a little in air, which made me smile.
After talking to Jungkook, I left.

Time skip to evening

I was now sitting in his cabin once again. He chose this time, because at this hour, there were not many staff members, so we could talk about the confidential thing.
"So Taehyung, as I already told you that now you're our special undercover officer, and we have your first assignment ready. So, this is about the Gangster King. No one has ever seen him, or met him. And those who have, are not in this world any more. He has by far killed 251 people, and maybe many more. So Taehyung, you've to get him. There's a lot of pressure on the department, and if we don't get him, all of us will be in danger, and it was our unanimous opinion, that no other person is as good as you for this job, that's why we've given you this task. We all hope you'll not disappoint us. So, you can start from tomorrow. All the best Taehyung." He shook hands with me.
"Thank you sir, and for sure, I'll try my best."
"I expect the same from you."
He gave me a smile, then picked up one of the files from the table, and got indulged in that.
With the thought of Gangster King, I left.

I was now at my home, still thinking about the same, when a sweet voice called out my name.
"Tae baby, come, let's have dinner."
"Coming mom."
My mom is the sweetest lady on the planet. My father died when I was 17, and it was she, who took over the business, and handled it after dad. She loved flowers a lot, and so, she has a small flower shop, with just an employee, so that she is always connected with her passion.
I came downstairs, and saw her arranging the table. I wanted to tell her so badly about my promotion, but at that time, she wasn't home.
"Mom", I went to her, chirping, and back hugged her, "I'm very happy today."
"Did you get a promotion?" She said, and I looked at her, completely shocked.
"How do you know mom? Have you hired some spies to keep a check on me, huh?"
"I'm your mom sweetie, I can sense everything, and all the reasons behind your beautiful smile." She patted my cheek, and I couldn't feel anymore happier and blessed, to have  mom like her.
"Yes mom, you're right, I've got promoted, and I've been assigned s new task as well. The task seems so damn interesting, but I'll have to begin from scratch, because no one has a clue about it. Well, I guess it's gonna be one tiring job. You tell mum, how was your day?"
"Well, my day was pretty normal, except for one thing. Our employee, Kiera, left the job."
"She's got a new job in an MNC, so that's why, she won't be coming from tomorrow. Guess I'll have to look for a new employee."
"Don't worry mom, you'll get someone, and if you need, I'll come to help you, because from now on, I don't have to go to office, till the time I complete my assignment."
"Great, till the time I get someone, cone to help me, okay?"
"Okay mom."
After the conversation, we ate dinner, talking about some random things.
After having dinner, we went to our respective rooms.

I'm very excited, because from tomorrow, life is going to take up a different path. And, a fresh start must begin with a fresh morning, so, I'm gonna sleep now.

With this thought in mind, Taehyung drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys, here's an update for all lovely readers. Do enjoy the story. If you find any mistakes, do comment below in the comments section. And meanwhile, don't forget to take care of yourselves.
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