Chapter 13

13 5 8

My mind was whirling with questions, as I sat on my bed, waiting for Tae.

Who might have sent those people?
Do they know who I am?
What did they want?

I need to inform dad about all this, but I don't have my phone. Guess I'll have to ask Tae about it.

Thankfully, he still hasn't asked me about the incident, but sooner or later, he will.

What will I tell him?

As I was thinking, I heard the door open, and saw Tae coming in.

"Here's your soup."

"Thanks Tae."

He smiled and brought the overbed table near me, and placed the bowl on it.

The soup seemed to be steamy hot, steam visibly coming out of it, and seemingly delicious too.

As I moved my hand towards the bowl, Tae held it, and said," I'll feed you."

"But it's not needed Tae, I can eat on my own." I retorted.

"I know you are able to do everything on your own, but right now, I'm gonna help you in everything. And you're not gonna stop me from doing so."

As I opened my mouth to say something, he cut off my sentence, and said, "And that's final."

"I guess there is no point in arguing then. Who can stop you?" I smiled at my own remark, and he did the same.

He scooped up a little soup in the spoon, and blew in it.

I just couldn't help but admire him, and his features. There are eye bags visible under his eyes. Maybe he didn't sleep last night. And yet here he is, taking care of me.

He brought the spoon in my direction, and fed me. It indeed is delicious.


"Didn't you sleep last night? You look very tired."

"It's nothing. You should take care of yourself first, not focus on me."

"But Tae, you shouldn't neglect your health because of me. What if you get sick?"

" I won't get sick. Relax Ava."

"And how do you know it?"

"If you like the work you're doing, then you can never get sick. And I'm quite enjoying taking care of you, so don't worry."

He is enjoying his time with me!!!!
I suddenly felt my heart flutter after hearing his words. Till now, it has only been dad, who has taken care of me, but Taehyung here, is taking care of me, and Not even thinking about his own health.

And he doesn't even know me well to take care of me like this. I'm not even that good of a friend of his.

He continued to feed me, and when it was finished, he told me to rest for a while.

"Now you rest for some time. Then I'll give you the medicines."

"Ok Tae, and thank you once again."

"For what Ava??"

"You know, you've been taking care of me so well. So, thanks for all this."

"It's not at all needed Ava. Stop thanking me, it's completely alright. And if you need something, then I am right here. Don't hesitate to ask for help."


He moved the table aside, and helped me to lay down.

As I was about to close my eyes, I suddenly remembered about my phone.

"Tae, where's my phone?"

"It's with me, and you're not getting it. After you get healed, I'll hand it over to you." He said sternly.

"But I want it now Tae. Please." I gave him a pleading look.

His expressions softened a little.
"Fine I'll give it to you, but in evening. Is that OK?"

"Thank you Tae."

"Now I'll just keep it back in canteen, and get back here."


It actually felt quite good after getting something in my stomach.

My hand is paining a little, but bearable. I guess it'll be fine after I take the meds.

And finally, I'll get my phone back. I'll inform dad as soon as I can, so that he can proceed with his search.

If someone has got to me, then they might know something more about our gang.

We need to be more careful now.

As I was busy with my thoughts, there was a knock on the door.


A nurse entered the room, along with Dr. Choi.

"Hello Miss Ava. I hope you're good now. Have you eaten something?"

"Yes doc. I just had a bowl of soup. And I'm feeling better now."

"Good. We'll have to give you this injection, after which, you can have your medicines too."

As he was speaking, Taehyung also came back, and sat beside me on the chair.

"Nurse, please give her the injection."

She nodded, and prepared the syringe.

She then rubbed an alcohol dipped cotton on my arm, and placed the needle over there.

Sitting beside me, Taehyung hissed, as if the injection was given to him and not me.

I smiled looking at his reaction.

After she was done, she told me to fold my hand, and both of them left.

"Did it hurt?"

"No Tae, realx. It didn't. I didn't even feel anything. But I guess it was because the pain was shifted to you. Look at your face."
I smiled, looking at his still pained face.

"I thought you would just hold my hand to bear the pain, like it's shown in the movies."

"C'mon Tae, I think you know I'm not that weak. And it was just a small needle, chill."

"Ok. I should give you the meds soon, otherwise you'll start feeling drowsy again."

He said and got the medicines from the table, and a glass of water too.

He took out the pills from the packet, and handed them to me.

I quickly gulped them down, and drank the water he gave.

"Now you must go to sleep. I'll talk to you later."


I laid down again, and closed my eyes, sleep taking over my senses.

Hello my lovely readers.
Your almost dead author is back.
I know I wasn't able to update, becuase I had my exam going on. But now, I'm completely free.

Hope you like this chapter.
I know it's a little short, but I'll try to give you a nice chapter soon.

If you like it, do vote on it. And if there are any mistakes,do tell me in the comments section.

And take care of yourselves and your loved ones.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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