Past (Part 2)

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After burying Dad, we left our house. And, now we're living in a small rented apartment. Mom has started working in a small book shop, and her earning is enough for both of us.
And very soon, my high school will end, so then, I'll be able to help her in earning.
After my school, I usually go to the shop where she works, and do my homework if there's any, and then we leave together.
It was one such day and I was waiting for her to finish her work.
As she was done with it, she came back from her locker, and both of us were ready to head home.
We were on our way back home, when we heard some heavy footsteps behind us.
When we were about to turn, a man came rushing and pushed my mom aside, and hurried away. And suddenly, I heard a loud shriek.
As I looked towards the road, there was blood all around, and in the pool of blood, was lying my mom, sub conscious.
It was as if the world came shattering down on me. I couldn't think clear anymore.
I ran to her, and took her head in my lap, teras falling continuously from my eyes. I held her hand in mine, and tried keeping her conscious.
"Mom, mom, please stay conscious. Don't close your eyes."
"Anna.... " She said, voice coming as mere whisper, "Darling, don't be sad. You're my brave kid, don't cry." She wiped my tears, infinitesimally softly. "And you'll not cry if I'm not......"
"Stop it mom. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I will take you to hospital right....." And her hand fell from my cheek, her eyes now closed.
My whole body went numb, I just couldn't think, or act. My mom, my saviour, died, in front of me, and I could do nothing. I was right there but I couldn't do a damn thing. I just stood there like a useless person. And that car hit her and...... wait, the car.
I looked behind and saw that the car was still there.
I ran to the car, and smashed it's window with a stone, I picked up on my way to the car.
The door of the black car opened, and out came a man, a tall man, clad in all black, a black suit, as if he's the CEO of world Bank. He looked down at me, intimidatingly, but I wasn't afraid of him. The loss he's done is way greater than the loss I've done.
I looked him in the eye, and his gaze too, was fixated on me.
"Are you crazy young girl? What did you to my car?" He said rather calmly.
"Your car? You're thinking about your car, and what have you done to me? You've shattered my whole world, like I did to your window. You killed my mom. I'm not gonna spare you." I held his collar, standing on my toes. "Do you understand? You'll have to pay for what you've done." I said, with tears flowing out of my eyes.
His eyes got wider, as he heard mom.
"What? She was your mom?"
"Yes, she was my mom, but now she's no more, just because of you."
"Look, I'm really sorry, I didn't do it intentionally. It was just..... "
"I don't care. It was your car, and it was you was driving, so technically, you're the murderer. I'll call the police right away."
I tried to take out my phone, when he caught my hand, gently, but firm enough to keep me from moving.
"What do you think you're doing?" I said angrily.
"If you want to call police then go ahead, but first listen to me. There will be no benefit in complaining to the police. I hold that much power, that I'll come out of the bars within 5 minutes. But if you still want to call, go ahead." He said releasing my hand.
"What do you imply? Say clearly."
" Shall we first do your mother's funeral? And talk later."
I somehow agreed, because if he was actually this powerful, then it would have taken him nothing to kill me as well. But he didn't do it. Instead, he's ready to do my mother's funeral. Maybe, he can be of little use to me. Just maybe.
For a while, I believed on my instinct and went with him to the cemetery, for her funeral.
My mind  was once again clouded by her  thoughts. The memories of my life with her started flashing in front of my eyes. Her smile, her actions, her love, her crying face, everything came in front of my eyes, as if all these happened just yesterday.
Once again, tears started flowing from my eyes. I would have never imagined my life without her, always thinking she's not going anywhere, nor am I, but who ever thought that the time would come this early.
The man was standing right beside me. He patted my back, and handed me a bouquet of fresh roses, coincidentally, her favorite flowers.
"Go and keep these on her grave." He gestured towards the grave of mom. I hesitantly walked to her, and kept the bouquet over there.
"Mom, I know you're always there with me. Keep guiding me like you always do, and keep showing me the right path with the light of your love. I love you mom, and I hope you know that. Bye mom. I'll come back soon. Once again, I love you the most mum."
Continuously, the tears were falling, and I didn't want to stop them, even if I'm crying in front of a stranger. The stranger doesn't seem to be a stranger anymore.
I turned to look at him, and he was looking at me only.
I finally bid farewell to my mom, and walked up to him.
"Are you okay now?"
"Yes I'm. And thank you, you helped me with the ritual."
"It's completely alright child. Do you want to talk?"
"Let's go somewhere and talk, shall we?"
We went to a nearby café, and sat at a personal booth, much secluded from the rest of the place, and it was much silent here, completely opposite to the hurricane if emotions inside me. My mom died, and I'm here, sitting with her murderer, but still it doesn't feel wrong.
"So, we'll start with the introduction. I'm.... consider me your friend. What's your name?"
"Well, I didn't like your introduction, but I'd like to introduce myself properly. I'm Anna, Kim Anna."
"So Anna, I see you're a very brave and fearless girl. You knew it could be dangerous, but still you chose to fight for your mom with me, and to say 'I'm impressed' will be an understatement. So, would you like to join me?"
"Join you in what? What do you do? What's your profession?"
"I can't tell you that right now, knowing that you could deny, so you just have to go by your instinct, and say yes or no. So?"
"I'm still in high school, and I can't work right now." I said, a little hesitatingly on listening to his offer.
"Oh that's completely alright, I'll take you after you complete your high school and don't worry about the fee, I'll pay it for you. So, what do you say?" He said, holding out his hand.
I started thinking about his offer. He hasn't told me about his work, but what will it be like to work with him? Mom, please guide me, please tell me what should I do.
I looked up from my hands to look at his face, and he had a small smile on his face. That smile somehow told me to go with him, that smile had a reassurance in it, and that hand, it seemed like a way out of the darkness, into brightness.
I closed my eyes, and suddenly, saw my mom, smiling at me, nodding, and I knee he's the right person.
So, I held his hand, ready for my new life.
"I'm ready, take me with you." I said, and this time, with no hesitation in my voice.
He once again smiled at me, and now I was ready for a fresh start.

This chapter may be a little boring. So sorry guys. But, it's going to be interesting from the next chapter. I'll try to update it soon. Till then, stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy. And keep doing what pleases you the most.
Thank u so much guys.
If I've made any mistakes, do tell me in the comment section.
Take care.

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