Party.... With complications?

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'MADISON. Get your ass ready! You know we were supposed to be at the party 20min ago!' i yelled through the entire apartment.

Madison and I were invited to one of the biggest partys in Los Angeles.

From the Hype House. Yep.

I honestly wasnt in the mood to go, but madison INSISTED to go there.

'I'm ready babe' madison said as she came down the stairs and HELL was she gorgeous.

She was wearing a yellow crop top with baggy light jeans and a light jacket.

I propably stood there too long starring at her, because she stepped smiling to me, lifted my chin up with her finger and gave me gentle kiss.

'You're gorgeous' i whispered.

'Look at you, my beautiful babyyyy' she said while she twirled me around like a princess.

'Okok, before i blush too hard, we should go' i said, took her hand and got in her car.
She started the engine and we drove to where the party is.

While we drove there we blasted loud music through the speakers and setted our self in a very good mood.

A good mood to party.

We arrived and before i could step out of the car, she locked my door, went out of the car, came to my side smirking, opened my door and helped me out.

'Oh what a gentlewoman i have as a girlfriend' i said while she laid her arm around my waist and we went in the house where we got greeted by loud music.

'You two came!!!' Chase instantly said as we entered.

'Yeah! How could we turn an offer like that down, i mean. Come on dude' madison said laughing while punching his shoulder gently.

He hugged us both and went to the bar to get us a drink.
Because we both dont drink, we got both a coke.

While the night went on, madison went to her group of friends and i wandered around with the hope fo find people i like talking to.

'Addison!!!!' i yelled over the music while i found a very good friend of mine.

She turned around and when she saw me she instantly hugged me and smiled.

'Long time no see! How's it going? Madison still your love?'

'Yep! Its going pretty good actually! I kind of moved in with her in her apartment. She moved like 2 months ago into a new apartment and she doesnt like to be alone in that big apartment, so i live with her now.'

'Why didnt she get a smaller apartment instead when she is scared' addison said laughing.

'Thats a good question addi! I-dont-know-!!' i answered laughing.

'Lets get to a quieter place. Its really loud in here' addison said, taking my hand and going on the balcony.

'So. Spill the tea! I know we werent in good contact the last few months. It kinda broke off, so now tell me about her! How does she treat you?'

'Wellllll, she treats me like a princess. Like for real. I cant count how many times i woke up to breakfast in bed and ofcourse a beautiful face.
But its awesome. This woman. Wow.
I can see my whole future with her.
I can see how we will maybe adopt some kids someday, how we have maaany animals in the future and how i still get these butterflies in my stomach, everytime she looks at me.
Addison. I cant describe how happy i am.
She is my soulmate, my other half.' i said while i blushed.

'W-Wow, hearing that makes me so happy. Girl i'm so happy you found your soulmate.
Hearing all of this makes me actually kinda sad...'

'Why is that?'

'Well, Brye and i are not on the best terms right now actually.
We fight a lot and when we fight, he just walks off and doesnt let me speak. Its so frustrating with him.'

'Addison. I told you, that relationship you two have is not healthy. He's not good for you. Thats toxic. You deserve way better'

'But... I uhm still love him, y-you know..? Its just difficult.
We went through so much together and i cant leave him like that...'

'I know what you mean. I felt exactly that. When i was with dixie, we were so toxic for each other. We fough alot too. Why? Because she never let me speak and when i told her that, she got even angrier and would just storm off.
And now, look! I broke up with dixie and-'

'I heard my name beeing said?' a voice said, i turned around and there she was. Dixie fucking damelio.

'Oh god, what do you want?' i said annoyed.

'You just said my name.' she simply stated.

'Yeah maybe you heard it wrong. I said toxic instead of your name'

'Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure i heard dixie coming out of your filthy mouth. We're done and if you cant get over that, then i dont know'

'Ohhhhh, i'm over that. I'm over you. I'm over that relationship we had. I was just giving addison tips to get away from a toxic partner. You know?'

'Uhm maybe i let you two talk? I'll talk to you y/n! Bye!' addison quickly said while she went back in.

'I was never the toxic one. Okay? Dont tell others fucking things that are not TRUE! Okay??' dixie said a stepped infront of me, till my back hit the wall.

'G-Get away Dixie'

'I'm just making it pretty clear that you can get that in that thick skull of yours' she said while tapping my head aggresivly.

I would lie if i said that i wasnt scared, because fuck. That girl is scary as fuck.

'HEY! Get away from her!' a very familar voice yelled and joined us on the balcony.

Dixie slowly turned around and then saw madison.

'I said: Get away from her, or do i have to make you!?' madison said louder this time.

'Okay, i was just making it clear that i was not toxic' dixie said smiling while heading back into the house.

I couldnt holt back my tears whelling up my eyes, i sild down the wall and broke down.

Madison sat beside me and took me in her arms.
She drove through my hair and calmed me down.

'What happend? Do i have to kill her?' madison said smiling.

'I-I just talked to A-Addison about relationships, a-and then i mentioned D-Dixie's name and out of no-nowhere she showed up a-and started yelling at me. Addison w-went away because she was u-uncomfortable and then D-Dixie just started to yell even m-more at me... Mads i-i dont want to k-know what she would ha-have done when you di-didnt came....' i sobbed out.

When i was calm enough, we went inside, said our quick goodbyes and went home.

At home, we took a relaxing bath and then went to bed where we cuddled till we fell asleep.








Welp uhm, i guess i'm sorry for not uploading for so long?
Damn, i never thought i would get SO MANY views.
I really appreciate it.
When you have request, you can write them in the chapter that is called 'Requests' i pretty out of ideas, so let your fantasy have her way.

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