She forgets your birthday

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Its your birthday and madison forgot it, because she was too busy with her friends and partying.
The moment i woke up, i instantly smiled and felt more than happieness, today is my 18th birthday and madison promised to drive with me to san diego for the day and i've never been there, even that i live for 4 years in LA.

Yes 4 years, and 2 years ago i met madison.

She promised it to me weeks ago because she saw that i wasnt doing good mentally and for making it up to me that she's always so busy.

I opened my eyes and saw madison was on her phone laying next to me.
'Good morning' i rasped out smiling.

'Morning, i'll take a shower love' she said, kissed me and got in the bathroom.

Instantly i frowmed but maybe she'll suprise me? We'll see!
I went on my phone and sae a few messages from a few friends and from my mother.
But they all live in Austin.

I answered them and checked my social media and scrolled through my follower page, i liked some posts and commented some.

After like 15min madison came fully dressed out of the bathroom and looked at her phone.

'I'll go out with some friends and then i'm going to the studio to record the last two songs for my album okay?
Love you, bye' she said while she was walking out of her room, not even looking at me.

After i heard the front door closing, a tear rolled down my cheek.

Yeah maybe she really wants to suprise me and just made an excuse to buy some things or something.

I went downstairs, took a bowl with cereals and cuddled with my blanked while i watched some tv.

I waited an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours and the time passed on and on...

After i saw on madisons story that she is really out with her friends.

Now my tears streamend down my face like a waterfall.

I threw my phone on the ground and just cried while i clawed my hands in my blanked.

Madison really forgot my 18th birthday....
It felt horrible.

Madison never was by my side the last few weeks, because either she was with her friends partying or she was at the studio.

And what did i do while she was out?
Nothing much, chores in the house, watching tv, going for a walk ALONE,....
Oh i forgot a lot of crying.

I really cried till 9pm till my eyes got heavy and my mind was tired from crying and even from thinking about madison, i checked the last time madisons story and suprise, she wasnt even in the studio, she was partying with her friends in some club.
The next morning when i woke up it wasnt even a suprise that madison wasnt home, she always stays the night by a friend when they are out in a club.

After i made my morning routine, i decided to go out and go hiking in the hills for the day.

I do this very often when i need to clear my head and i'm stressed.
I drove there and spend 3 hours hiking, i even left my phone in my car so i can concentrate on the hike.

After i got to my car and licked my phone up i saw a lot of messages from madison.

Maddie🌄: Just came home, where r u?

Maddie🌄: Y/n/n seriously. Where are you?
I go out once and come home just to find out that my gf is not home and didnt even left a note.

Maddie🌄: 🙄🙄🙄

Maddie🌄: Text me if your time is not to precious to talk to your gf.

Wow. Is she kidding?

She lied to me and forgot my birthday and broke her promise.

Y/n/n🌺: If i remeber correctly you told me you have to go to the studio, why where you at a club. Again?
And you didnt went out once. The past few weeks i can count with one hand hoe many times you slept in our bed because you werent out.

Maddie🌄: Dont make things up that i am out everyday.

Maddie🌄: Studio was canceled, so i went out.

Y/n/n🌺: Instead of going home to see your girlfirend or do something with her...? Wow.

Maddie🌄: Yes. The past few weeks you're not fun, you're so stressed and pissed.

Y/n/n🌺: Yeah i am because you're constantly out and i just want to spend time with my partner!

Y/n/n🌺: And we'll dont go to the fact that you broke an important promise again.

Maddie🌄: I've never broke a promise! Tell me which!?

Y/n/n🌺: You really dont remember, dont you?

Y/n/n🌺: Try with the thing that you promised to take me to san diego yesterday?
OH yeah right! You forgot.

Now she left me for good 5min on read till she answered.

Maddie🌄: Oh my....

Maddie🌄: I am so sorry

Maddie🌄: Y/n/n i really forgot...

Maddie🌄: Please dont read my messages and not say anything

Y/n/n🌺: What should i say?

Y/n/n🌺: "Oh its okay! I just cried the whole day, like many past days! Not a big deal my love!" No. If you expect that, you're at the wrong adress.

Maddie🌄: Y/N i am so sorry. I know nothing can make it up that i let you down for the past weeks. I didnt even noticed what i did and that you're so sad because of me. Because i was never there for you.
But please tell me where you are and if you're safe.

Y/n/n🌺: You always promise things and break them. Wheres the point of promises when you break them?
I went hiking alone, like many other times. I am in the parking lot right now and yes i'm safe.

Maddie🌄: Please come home, so i can explain myself. If you want we can drive tomorrow to San Diego and we'll go anywhere you want.

Y/n/n🌺: I'm coming home. You have 5min to explain yourself. But dont think its done for me and we go back to "normal".

Maddie🌄: Thank you angel🙌

After she send that message i set my phone in my pocket and i drove home.
In the driveway i saw madisons car.
I parked and went in the house.

Not even 2 seconds later madison ran crying to me and hugged me thight.

'I-I'm so so s-sorry! I w-was the worst g-girlfriend a-and you deserve b-better! I was an total asshole!' she cried in my neck.

'Yes you were an asshole, wont lie with that, but you are far away from the worst girlfriend madison. Yes you made a mistake. A big one. But dont you dare call yourself a bad girlfriend. Understand me?'

'Its just, i was so sure that i wont forget your birthday. I planned everything for the day, because i knew how i treated you and i wanted to make it up to you. I promise i'll change. I'll take some weeks off and we go on a vacation and after that vacation we adopt a puppy. Like how you want our family to be. You are so important for me. Please forgive me' she cried out.

'Love, i'll take you to bed. We'll talk tomorrow about it, okay? But remember its not over okay?' i said kissing her forhead.

I then picked her up and layed her on the bed.

She instantly fell asleep. Like an angel.
Sad story! She really forgot the birthday!
Hope you have a good day :)

Madison Beer imagines🌄/Smut-Fluff-...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora