Her parents dont like you

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'Babe? You coming??' madison called from downstairs.

I was getting ready and making everyting perfect, because i'm meeting her parents for the first time after 2 years of dating.

'Gimme 5min! I have to finish my make up' i answered.

I hurried up with the blush, till i felt a hand taking the brush away and spinning my chair, so i faced a smiling madison.

'Babe, you are more then perfect. Trust me.' she said, kissed me slow and took me downstairs where we took the cake i baked and put everything in the car.

The whole drive i was so nervous, i bounced eith my leg up and down, looked without a reason on my phone or i breathed very fast.

When we parked in the driveway i nearly passed out.

Like seriously.

'Y/n/n. Look at me' madsion said while taking your head gently in her hands.

You took your strength and looked her in the eyes.

Everytime you look in her eyes, you can see why you are head over heels with this girl and why you fell in love with her in the first time.

'Its okay, i'm with you. Dont worry, i'll always be by your side and if they dont appreciate you, then its their problem and not ours'

I nodded shakily and we went to the door and knocked.

Without hesitation the door swung open and a boy my age hugged madison tight.

'Thats ryder, my baby brotherrrrr' madison said while pinching his cheek.

'I'm 18 old woman. So i guess you're the famous y/n y/l/n' he said laughing while turning to me a shaking my hand.

I nervously nodded and smiled.

'Madison in the livingroom!' a male voice yelled from the room next door.

Ryder walked infront of us and madison took my hand in hers while she mouthed a 'Dont worry'.

I took a deep breath and smiled when we walked in the living room.

Instantly i went to madison parents and wanted to introduce myself, so i stuck my hand lit for the woman, but she just looked at weird. Madison really shot them the deadliest glare ever.

'I-I'm Y/n y/l/n' i said.

Not a word was spoken till madison said 'Thats my dad Robert and my mom Tracie' i just nodded and hung my head low to avoid a gaze from either of them.

We then went to the dining room and tracie brought the food out and gave everybody something before placing it on the table expect me.

Ryder saw it, took the pan and gave me something.

'Thank you' i quietly mumbled while flashing him a small smile.

While we ate, it was mostly silent, only madison and her parents exchanged a few words.

'So y/n what are you doing to pay the house madison bought?' Mr. Beer asked.

'Uhm well, i still go to school but i'm looking forward to begin working next year after my graduation' i answered. He instantly let out a dry laugh und shooked his head.

'Thats enough dad! Since she's here you up her ass and its disgusting! If you dont appreciate that she's my love of my life then you lost your daughter. This girl next to me gave me more love then you two ever did. She cares for me and is there for me. I see myself in 10 years with her and our little family. I see it with her and not Jack! I know you liked jack but i moved on as you should. I love this girl so deal with it!' madsion angrily said while she stood up.

'You dont talk to us like that! Enough!' her dad screamed.

'We're going. It was a mistake to come here. Dont talk to me ever again if you're not apologizing' my girlfriend said, grabbed my hand and stormed out with me.

The car ride was silent, just until we arrived in our driveway i broke down in tears.
Madison reacted very quick and took me in her arms.

'They hate me. Its my fault you're fighting with them.' i cried out.

She just took me in her arms till i fell asleep and then carried me to bed.

I'm baaack again!
I wrote this a few days ago and forgot to upload it, so now here it is!

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