Fights. Fights. oh and more fights.

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Madison and i live togehter since i turned 17 and she 19, so 2 years now and together for 3 and a half year.

She truly is the light in my life. My saviour.
We met in school, i had class and she assistend my teacher for a few days and there's were we met and since then we were inseparable.

But since a few weeks we are constantly fighting over small things and mostly over things i do.

One time she got angry because i brought pizza home after school because i didnt knew she cooked something.

Or another time when we were out for a walk a we came by a playground and i ran to the little climb wall they had and "acted like a child" because some guys laughed at me and she got emberessed of me.

Lets just say, that night i slept in the guest room.

And what bothers me the most is that she doesnt even spend her free time with me anymore, she's always with her friends while i wait for her to come home.
'Y/n you wanna join us after school? We're going to the new pizza place down the street' my best friend Rico told me and mentioned to our friend group.

'Yeah, madison should be out anyway' i shrugged my shoulders and went to my next class.

The school day went by pretty fast and i didint even got a single message from madison like she used to do.

She really used to send me every 2 hoirs a text and asked if everythings fine and that she loved me.

It just hurts to see her drivting away from me...

After school i went to the new pizza place with my friends and we catched up alot on each other stories.

Rico told us about his new boyfriend, sandy explained the situation with her parents and Joline talked about some gossip happening in school.

After we talked for 2 hours i went home and prepared for whatever reason madison would be mad at me.

'Babe i'm home!' i called while i closed the door behind me.

'Where were you!?!?' she angrily said while she came oit of the kitchen.

'I was with my friends at the new pizza place' i answered with a low voice amd sighed.

'And you didnt even messaged me!? I was worried sick!!'

'Oh now you care! The last few weeks you were so distant! Why should i message you? You never message me when you go out and party with your friends!'

'Oh now i'm the bad guy?? Y/n!!! I'm your girlfriend! You should spend your time with me and not your friends. I dont even like them anyway.... Rico is always up your ass...!!!!!'

'Dont you hear what your saying madison!? How should i spemd my free time with you when you are either out with your friends or at work!! I wait for you most of the time at home with the hope that we can go out. We- Me and you! But you always just go out. And my friends, dont you dare talk about them like that! They are there for me when you're not! And rico is gay you dumbass!'

'Thats enough! I'm out. Have fun with your toyboy' madison said and walked out the door.

Not only did she left me on the edge of my tears, she also left me on one of my weakest points.

She did something what she promised she would never do.

I sat on the couch and cried. I cried everything out.

After 2 hours (what felt like years) i calmed myself down and scrolled through instagram only to see a story david dobrik posted.

It was in a club where you could see another girl holding madison by the waist while they drunk redbull.

That gave me the rest to breakdown AGAIN. She's always with other girls and the thing what breaks me inside is that i dont know what she's doing with them.
Just dancing or is she cheating? Does she kiss them? It breaks me...

Y/n/n🥰: Madison i cant do this anymore. You're always out and pick fights over every single thing i do! Dont you know how much it hurts me when i see another girl all over you in a club? Dont you think i break every single day more and more because you're not here for me when i need your warmth and your cuddles? I'm at my lowest since you decided that your friends are more important. I always wait for you after school to come home. I always wait for you when you're out so i can tuck you in bed and make sure you're okay! And what do i get??? I video in davids instagram story were i see another girl all over you and you didnt do anything about it???
It hurts Madison.
A lot."

After i wrote that message i began to cry again. I cuddled into my blanket till i heard the front door open and fast footsteps walking to the bedroom.

My heart raced!

Is it a thie- Nevermind.

'Y/n i'm so sorry!!! Please forgive me!!! I'm so dumb! I just realized everything. I realized how i pushed you away and placed my friends infront of you...' madison said while she barged in the room.

She really looked like she cried a lot. She even looked broken?

'I dont know what came over me the last few weeks. Its not my way to deal with problems, but i guess i needed a relief from work. It got really intense the past few weeks and i didnt want to let everything out on you.
But i kinda did it in some way. I always was very stressed and every little thing pissed me off...
I'm so sorry!
I swer i'll change and maybe even look for another job so i'm not so stressed anymore.
Please, i just wamt my babygirl back.
I promise i'll change' madison said while many tears rolled down her cheeks.

'Promise it like you mean it' i told her with a shaky voice.

'More than everything. I promise i'll be here for you from now on. I promise to protect you from this world babygirl' she said.

I opened the blanked and signaled for madison to come under the blanket with me and she instantly took the hint and jumped in.

She took me in her arms and i cuddled into her side.

'No fummy dancing anymore with other girls okay?' i said quietly.

'You're jealous babe? I wont do it anymore, i promise'


Request by @atemaimai4  :)
If you guys have request, i have a chapter called 'requests' just write a commemt and i'll see what i can do!
And again, dont mind the grammer.😂

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