chapter twelve

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Love was the only thing I could think of the next morning when I woke up. Beside Eli, it felt stronger than it has yet. I was completely in love with him, and he was in love with me. Being able to now say it out loud without any fear felt liberating. We were in love, I repeatedly told myself.

I replayed the events of yesterday throughout my head, seeing Eli's heart break when he was talking to his mother. I never wanted to see that look upon his face again, but I knew I couldn't control that. As long as we are together, I can try my best to help him through it all. Just knowing that Eli and I were in love, it felt like anything we were going through we could now get through together.

I made a promise to him that I will always be there for him, and I made a promise to myself that I will never do anything like kissing Danny again. And to think this has all happened in the span of a few months.

The alarm clock buzzed from Eli's phone, causing him to turn over facing my direction. Already wide awake, I smiled at his messed up hair and tired eyes. I ran my hand through the top of his hair.

"Hello," his raspy voice muttered. He smiled at the touch of my hand eventually holding onto it. The instant touch of Eli's fingers brought my mind back to the sensations of last night. Being with Eli in that way was my favorite feeling, and I think it was his too.

"Hi," I responded with a laugh, kissing the top of his forehead gently.

"You are so beautiful," he reminded me once more, and I believed him. "I love you."

Hearing him say it again in the morning made it feel even more real. "I love you too," I replied sincerely. I had never thought to find another person to love this hard as I did Danny this fast into the semester. Yet with Eli, I didn't question it. It felt like it was meant to happen.

"I love when you say that," Eli said. We both laughed, nuzzling our heads into one another's shoulder.

We took a few more minutes of lying in bed with one another before we decided it was best we get up and get ready. Although I didn't want to leave Maine just yet, I was excited to head back to West Percclare before Winter break. I wanted to spend alone time with Eli before we were separated for a month or two.

I ended up doing the bare minimum in terms of getting ready, aimlessly running my brush throughout my hair. I put on one of Eli's sweatshirt, even though I packed many of my own, but I liked the smell of his the best. As for makeup, I put the tiniest amount of mascara and called it a look. Now, I rarely cared how I did my makeup around Eli, let alone put on makeup at all.

As for Eli, he was in his usual getup - a flannel, sweater, beanie, and some khaki pants. Although it had been months of knowing him, every time I looked at him was like the first time.

"Cute," he said grabbing onto my sleeves of his sweatshirt. The scent of his cologne filled my nostrils, making me even more addicted to him.

He admired me from a far as he put on his shoes and last minute items into his bag, as I did the same.

Eli's grandmother had made us a wonderful breakfast, which I was definitely going to miss when heading back to the dorms. She had the table lined with pancakes, waffles, eggs, fruit - all as if there were ten people staying with her. Eli's sisters were definitely sad to see him leave again, yet he assured them that he would back in two weeks for Thanksgiving. Where did the time go this semester?

"But do you have to leave today?" Katrina asked while shoving a piece of chocolate pancakes into her mouth. Eli laughed, watching her struggle to talk and chow on her breakfast at the same time.

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