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Dear Diary,

So I know it's been a while since I've written anything in this. I've been distracted lately.

Yes it's Alex.

He's not done anything wrong per-say. He's just being overprotective. This island is incredible. Expansive. And I'm pretty sure after some good exploring I could uncover so many secrets.

But Alex wants us to stay safe and just stick to the main island and the areas we know well.

I mean I get it. Doesn't mean I'm happy with it. He's finally got used to some company.

I keep forgetting that I'm technically the first other person he's ever met. After all he has no memory prior to the island.

It's been three years though. He's now got comfy with me. The idea of me slipping, or getting lost and never coming back scares him.

It scares me to obviously. I truly love Alex. But at the same time I hate not knowing the very place I live. The idea that their could be people here we just haven't found them yet. Or the idea that their could be something new to discover.

But instead all I can do is speculate. I'm hoping sooner or later Alex gets bored of the same old routine. Maybe then he will allow us to explore more and push the metaphysical boundaries of our lives. Here's to hoping.

Yours sincerely, Mateo.

Mateo finished writing into his diary and signed the bottom. Once done he blew lightly onto the paper, quickening the drying process.

Once dry he closed the book and placed it into a bedside draw.

He then rolled onto his back. Signing, as he snuggled into the bedsheets.

"¿Mi amor? You outside?" He shouts waiting for a response.

He doesn't have to wait long. "Yep! I'm just grooming Cheeto again. I'm not waking up to fur in the bed again."

Mateo chuckles. "Ok..... hey I was thinking. We could go for a walk on the beach later? Find some crab for dinner?"

Alex walks in, just as shirtless as Mateo. Handling a clearly aggravated Cheeto. "Yeah sounds fun. Can cats eat Crab?"

Mateo frowns. "I'm not sure...."

Alec groans. "Gods. Never did I think I'd miss Google. Well we have some left over fish still. He can munch on that. Just to be safe."

Mateo nods. "Cool. I'm gonna dress."

Alex nods kissing him as he walks back outside.

Mateo sighs as he looks back to the ceiling. His mind wandering....

Many years ago.....

"Mateo! ¡Presta atención, chico tonto!" Mateo's Grandmother clips him on the back of the ears, to which he responds with a Yelp.

"¡Oye! ¡Abuela! No es justo, ¿qué hago?" He responds. His siblings and cousins giggling at the commotion.

His Grandma tuts, returning to her kitting. "Ahhh. See you do speak Spanish. Next time use that voice God gifted you."

He glares at her. "I don't know why I should? She's not my mum."

She nods, as she begins to slowly rock in her chair. "True Mi hija. But she is the woman that your father loves. And he is still your flesh and blood."

The young Mateo frowns, he draws circles in the dirt and sand looking down. "Why did mum and dad split? Do they not love us?"

His Grandma pauses. Let's out a low shallow sigh. As she places her knitting down. "Mi hija, of course not. They both love you very much. They just don't love each other in the same way they used to. It happens. Sometimes love runs out."

Little Mateo still frowns. His Grandma smirks as she stands up, then gradually lowers herself to sit on the ground to.

She then begins drawing lines in the mixture of dirt and sand. Eventually drawing a grid. She then draws a circle in the top left hand corner. "Come on Mi hija, let's see if you can beat me this time..."

Present day.....

"Te amo abuela...." Mateo sighs. He stands up and stretches, standing in front of the mirror.

He inspects his smooth tanned skin. Runs his cut hands along his body.

He wasn't bad looking. Well defined abs, he could thank Alex's laziness for them. Though his pecs were his real assets.

He then looks at his hair. It used to be super long. He's never cut it since arriving. And he used to not trust Alex with scissors.

Though since they became close a year ago he let Alex have a go. He was surprised really.

He'd shaved the sides and back down, giving his a sort of perm. His hair jet black. Curly mainly from the lack of washing.

He ruffles it and smiles. "Right then. Crab."

He walks over to their makeshift wardrobe and pulls out denim shorts and a white button Dom shirt. He pulls the shorts on, and pulls his arms through the shirt. Not bothering with the buttons. It was far to warm for that.

He then slips his feet into flip-flops, heading out towards the main living room.

Alex was sat cross legged on a rug, stroking Cheeto's back. He looks up and smiles. "Hey babe. You heading out?"

He nods kneeling down stroking Cheeto, who purrs happily and walks closer to him, leaning on his leg for support. "Yep. I'm gonna go get us lunch. I'll be back in an hour. I love you."

He leans in and kisses Alex, who smiles as he kisses back. "Love you to."

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