A bit of normality

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Dear Diary,

It's been four weeks now and he hasn't said a single word about that damn box and whatever it is he found inside. Absolutely Nothing. He's acting like all is normal, like he isn't fascinated by some mysterious object that could or could not be cursed. By that I mean 100% cursed.

He's hidden it away to. I've searched the whole house which actually didn't take to long. But no such luck. Which is impressive really since I built the bloody thing. I know all the good hiding spots, for this exact reason. Yet he's still figured out where to hide the thing. But I'm gonna keep looking, after all like my Nana said, 'Los malos augurios siempre acechan, junto a los que amamos.'


Alex was sat cross legged on the bed, his back to the door hiding his current actions. He was holding the knife he had found at the bottom of the Lagoon. It's silver blade shimmering in the sun light, the beams of light dancing on the blade causing it to almost glow. He strokes the hilt, almost seductively, his fingers finally landing on the giant sapphire at the end. He then hilts the blade, worried he might cut himself on it. Then holds the knife up, staring deeply into the jewel almost mesmerised by it. His eyelids began to droop slightly as he got lost into the centre. So very lost... almost entranced...

"Hey babe!" He's seemingly jerked from the trance like state, left blinking and confused as he fumbled to hide the knife beneath the bed covers. He then fixes his hair turning around to smile towards the voice. The owner was of course the only other person, to his knowledge, on the island being Mateo. He was currently shirtless only wearing shorts covered in mud stains. His body covered in a layer of sweat. He'd clearly been busy. Like he usually was. Alex was definitely the more lazy one of the pair. He smiles as he greats the hot and sweaty Mateo. "Buenos días mi amor. I was worried you weren't gonna get up in time." Mateo tells him as he walks over, panting, clearly he'd been running.

He leans down kissing Alex on the lips softly, who sighs and kisses back closing his eyes. He really did like it when they kissed. He still wasn't 100% sure if he was gay or straight or even bi before he came here. But all he knew was he was now, and he was so happy it was with Mateo. "Glad I didn't disappoint. But may I ask what I almost missed by laying in?"

Mateo smirks as he pulls down his shorts, revealing his had gone commando. "My shower." He winks before quivkly kissing Alex's cheek and jumping up turning to walk back outside. Alex just stares at his ass, watchin git giggle slightly as he walked. He then frowns however, super confused by what his boyfriend said. "Wait what shower?"

Mateo walked naked down the path of the mountain, not saying a word to his lover. Who followed along a couple paces behind as confused as ever. With absolutely no clue where they were headed. "Are you really gonna walk all the way to the lagoon as naked as the day you were born?" Mateo just smirks, turning back to wink slightly before he keeps walking. "Fine silent treatment me then." Alec scoffs, not with the ump, more confusion. Due to this, he hardly pays attention which causes him to walk square into Mateo who had stopped walking about a third of the way down the path, a mere five minutes from the house.

He rubbed his nose and stumbled back. "Babe! What the hell! Why'd you stop?"

He only answers with a smile, before he points to their left where was a section of the mountain side covered in the jungle from below. But it now had a small makeshift pathway winding down deep into the bush. His now mud and leaf covered shorts made a lot of sense.

Alex frowns, as he looks down the path. It went quiet deep into the jungle, which he realised must have taken Mateo an extremally long time. "Huh. Someone's been busy. I'm guessing I've gotta follow the yellow brick road Glinda? Well the brown wooden path?" He says as he laughs to his little joke.

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