Fallen Angel

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Mateo and Alex just stood there staring. They could not believe their eyes. It had been so long. Years in fact. Literally.

A thousand thoughts were swarming their minds: Are they going mad? Was the heat finally getting to them? Did they finally die and go to Heaven? If so was this God? Alex even gingerly walked forwards hands reaching out like a zombie as he cautiously went to tap the man in front of them. Yep he was real, firm and real. Mateo however was more stunned by the man's appearance. Physical appearance, not strange spontaneous appearance.

The man, who didn't look far off a little older than Mateo, was almost dressed for the unexpected trip he just experienced. Dressed in a white unbuttoned flannel shirt, now stained by salt water and sand. Then brown cargo pants, with the bottoms rolled up. He was bear foot to. Then to finish off the look he wore a necklace; a silver circle on a chain, and a weird looking band round his left arm. Then you moved onto his body. His skin was almost a caramel colour, which helped define his abs and pecs even more. Both which were pretty impressive. (Not that Mateo would say that outload. Then his face. Perfection. A chiseled jawline, light hazel eyes, and equally dark brown hair, all wavy and parted into cute curtains.

After Mateo finally took him all in, he jumped from his trance like state and began puffing out his chest. He was starting to get protective off Alex. He wasn't gonna loose to him to new allusive stranger. Especially one that was this perfect. The Stranger chuckles both at Alex shakily reaching out to touch his pecs, and of Mateo puffing out his chest. "Your.... real?" The man nods chuckling.

"Ummm yeah. Hi. I'm Raphael. And you are?" He answers, taking Alex's hand shaking it softly, as he smiles over at Mateo.

Alex made the executive decision to invite Raphael back to the house. As they walked along the beach, Alex happily watched Raphael marvel at the island, asking question after question about it. Which much to Mateo's annoyance Alex was more than happy to spill the answers for. Well the limited answers they had.

"So, do you know what kind of people lived in the village?" He asked as he picked up a stone and inspected it. Mateo rolling his eyes. 'Who is interested in stones? You can find them anywhere. Estúpido, bicho raro caliente.' He says in his head, as they continue walking.

However Alex smiles and slows down to match Raphael's pace, leaving Mateo up front. More than happy to answer the question. "Nope. No clue. But they weren't very advanced no WiFi, no electricity. Very bare bones basics."

"Not that it matters. They are all long gone. It's just us. Always has been. Me and Alex. Together." Mateo adds, he wasn't far enough to be out of ear shot yet, and wasn't liking the way things were going. Alex was his, and with all the tension this Adonis of a man barging in was the last thing they needed. Alex was being to familiar with the new guy. Mateo needed to put a stop to it.

"That's ok, I can still inspect what's left here." As he says this he looks at Alex, who gives him a cute confused look that really rubs Mateo the wrong way. "I mean the village settlement Alex." Raphael laughs and ruffles his hair. "Your adorable." Alex again dawns his cute smile giggling like a child.

Mateo almost growls, like a lion, picking up the pace grumbling to himself. Raphael notices his increase in speed and whispers to Alex. "I don't think he likes me?"

Alex looks at Mateo then at Raphael. Shrugging, as they continue to walk, now reaching the pathway up the mountain. "Huh? What no! He's just not used to having guests. He's been here longer than me."

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