Magic and Mayhem

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Dear Diary,

I think Mateo is finally warming up to me. Though I'm pretty sure Alex has something to do with that. He offered me a drink yesterday. The day before that we went on a stroll and documented the different types of crab on the beach. Then today he finally showed me where he found all the materials to build their house.

I've now been here three weeks. Since I arrived I've tried to do as much exploring as I could. And I've unfortunately got nothing interesting to report. Everything is so... normally. Eerily normal.

Well.... not everything. Alex isn't. Not recently. Since the day he gave me this diary he's been acting weird, I've kinda ignored it. I mean I've only just met him this could just be how he acts. But I think Mateo has noticed to. Something has changed.

For now my focus is on this weird wrist band. As well as trying to find a safe way to reveal across the islands, with out being eaten by sharks.

And I guess today is a better day that any to figure that that out right? Let's hope so.

Yours sincerely Raphael.

"You know if your plan is to burn holes through my head, your really gonna have to try harder."

Raphael says as he opens his eyes. He was in the process of his morning yoga. He was currently sat cross legged on the decking, shirtless, arms resting in his lap. While Mateo stood behind him. Watching him closely, confused as to why the half naked man was sitting on his decking. "What are you doing? And why are you shirtless?"

"Meditating. It helps calm the mind. You could use it." He then smirks at the second comment. "Because it bothers you. That's why."

Mateo rolls his eyes at the answer not really believing in that sort of thing, but much to Raphael's surprise, he sat down next to him. Crossed legged and looking at him expectantly. "What now?" He asks ignoring the second comment about why he was shirtless. Mainly cause it was true.

Raphael smirks, as he opens his eyes and swivels around on his hands training his arm muscles as he now faces Mateo. "turn around to face me." He orders, keeping a calm smile, as he stretches his arms.

Mateo stares at him for a minute, before finally tilting his head liked a confused puppy. "Your jaw is lob sided." He comments, as he to swivels arounf to face the shirtless man Infront of him.

This causes Raphael to raise an eyebrow. "So is your left eyebrow." Mateo looks offended as he reaches up and touches his eyebrow. "Now shush. No talking while meditating."

He rolls his eyes in response, and makes a locking notion over his lips. As he stops arguing back. Once Raphael nods acknowledging the silence, he closes his eyes once more leaning his head forward as he breathes in and out slowly. Mateo watches at him, head still tilt, eyebrow now raised. But he eventually shrugged and closed his own eyes, mirroring Raphael. Though after a couple of minutes he opens one eye, to see Raphael still doing it. "Bro? Is this is?" He asks clearly bored.

Raphael simply nods, not opening his own eyes. "Yes this is it. It's a way to declutter your mind, to relax and let all your negative energy to leave you. And ever call me 'Bro'."

Mateo nods slowly in a patronizing way. "Right.... so unlike the rest of the world, who do that by drinking and having sex, you do it by sitting cross legged and humming to yourself?" He smirks at his comment proud of himself with it.

Raphael opens his eyes. "Why are you so negative? Can't you try to enjoy something?"

Mateo frowns offended. "I do enjoy things! I enjoy drinking! And sex! And I enjoy Alex!"

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