The Third Wheel

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Raphael was currently sat on the decking, a content smile chiseled across his perfect face his eyes closed as he let the rising sun shine over him, turning his face and body almost golden. He looked almost angelic. So naturally this wasn't the greatest thing Mateo could have woken up to. He was stood in the kitchen looking through the small window. Grumbling to himself. "He's doing something weird..." He tells Alex, when he notices him emerging from the bedroom, yawning as he stretched.

Alex, finishes yawning as he stretches his arms over his head. "He's meditating. Nothing wrong with that." Once fully awake he scratches his side as he walks over and plants an affectionate kiss on Mateo's cheek before he walks over to the laundry basket and begins to organise their clothes. Attempting to find some stuff that would fit Raphael.

Mateo rolls his eyes, as he walks over to cupboard grabbing a cup to pour himself a drink.. "Nah. It's weird. Who mediates as soon as they get up. And did you see the kitchen? It's organised! Like all the cups in one, all the plates in another." He emphasises his point by waving at the cupboard he'd just opened.

Alex shrugs, as he places some of Mateo's clothing in a third pile. They were of similar sizes after all. "So? We've been saying we would do that for months now. He just saved us the trouble."

Yeah! Exactly! WE would have. Last I checked we was just you and me. Not you me and him." Mateo retorts as he poured himself a cup of water before returning to scowling at their 'lodger' through the window.

"It's actually me him and I." Mateo dawns a scowl as he hears the voice of 'him' somehow hearing them all the way from the balcony. Mateo looks up to see him still sat on the decking, but turned around to face the house. Cheeto in his lap happily purring. "Traitor"

Alex sighs, looking over and rolling his eyes. Mateo's attitude towards Raphael was beginning to bug him. The guy had done absolutely no wrong, he was practically a saint. Yet his boyfriend still hated his guts. "Thank you for organising the kitchen Ralph. And for tidying up the lounge but you didn't need to you're our guest." He shouts to Raphael as he walks into the lounge with the pile of clothing for him.

Picking up Cheeto, giving him a couple of kisses as he walks, Raphael walks into the lounge smiling. "Oww it's no problem. I was happy to. I don't like sitting around and doing nothing. And well can't exactly write essays or study books here. So it's cleaning for me."

"Ratón de biblioteca." Mateo mutters as he walks up to back into their bedroom. The further away the better.

Alex just rolls his eyes at his partner. But he makes sure to be smiling over when he turn around to look at Raphael. "Ignore grumpy pants over there. He's still not adjusting well to our new living arrangements."

Raphael shrugs, putting down Cheeto who purrs against his leg, wanting more attention from his clearly new favorite person. "I've only been here three nights now. It'll take a little bit more time. It's fine." He had started to unconsciously fidget with the band trapped around his wrist.

Alex sees notices this as he begins to fold the clothing. "Ummm. So. About last night. I'm sorry I left like that. It was a lot. And a bit weird. I just needed some sleep."

Raphael nods, deciding to play defence here. "You and me both." He sighs and sits in a chair. Cheeto jumping into is lap purring happily, when Raphael gives in and begins to stroke him once again. "I honestly have no idea what this is and how I came to have it. All I know is it won't come off." To show this he raises his hands attempting to unbuckle it, but with no result. "And I can't destroy it."

Alex looks confused, but a small part of his is thankful he didn't bring up the dagger. "How do you know that?"

"I borrowed your hammer." He says, not looking up as he kisses Cheeto's cheeks.

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