Rivals Part 1 (Dylan)

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I park my car in the basement and make my way to the elevator

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I park my car in the basement and make my way to the elevator. Today is a big pitch day and I'm eager to secure the account. I've worked hard on my proposal and if I land this, then I will be promoted to Account Executive. At 25 years old, I'm currently an Account Assistant at one of the biggest advertising agencies in Beijing and so far my career has been progressing exactly as I have intended it to. 

The elevator doors open onto the ground floor and I jump out. My office is on the 35th floor but the café on the ground floor sells the best coffee and salted egg custard buns... plus the cashier is really cute and has made it clear that she has a crush on me. I've debated having a thing with her, but I know that at some point she will want more and I already know that we are not compatible... sex alone is not even to keep me interested or get me to commit. Besides I love the salt egg custard bun from that cafe too much to have to look for another breakfast place option once things inevitably turn sour.

I reach my destination and see a big bright smile directed at me. I match it with my own and she immediately breaks out into girly giggles.

"Hi Dylan." She chirps in a sugary sweet voice.

"Hi Baobei." I respond, winking at her.

"Aw, if you keep calling me Baobei you will have to take me out on a date one of these times!" She giggles again.

"Baobei you know how much you mean to me girl?" A lie. I flash her another smile and I can see her melting. "Once I get over my heartbreak, you know you will be the first girl I take out!"

Another lie. Some story I made up to keep girls I flirt with in important spaces in my life, at bay. The girl at my bank... the girl at my local supermarket... the girl at my gym... the girl at my favourite lunch spot... and the girl at the café on the ground floor of my office. I prefer to hook up with girls who have nothing to do with my life and therefore I won't have to keep bumping into them. The last time I had a serious girlfriend I was 20 and since then I haven't really been searching for love. I'm more interested in my career right now... I plan to settle down in my 30s when I've made lots of money and I'm at the top of my work game.

There is a sarcastic grunt coming from behind me when I say this, and I turn around to see none other than Shen Yue, rolling her eyes, her disdain for me visible.

"What now Shen?" I say with fake boredom, turning back to face the coffee girl.

"When will you realize that the coffee line is not your personal pick up zone Wang? Some of us have to get to work soon and we don't have the time to wait for you to get lucky!"

"Well maybe next time you should get to the line earlier so that you don't have to witness things you know nothing about...like genuine connections." I smile at coffee girl again.

Shen Yue starts to laugh derisively and says.

"Oh please Wang you flatter yourself too much! The only genuine connection you have with anything in this place is your love for that salted egg custard bun!"

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