Dynasty Part 2 (Yue)

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My brain is having trouble processing what this prince is telling me

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My brain is having trouble processing what this prince is telling me. I have never seen a man naked before in my life and now I am supposed to bathe and dress him? Why does he need someone to bathe him anyway? Doesn't he have his own two hands? I will never understand the customs of the royal class... where I come from, you have to be able to do things yourself in order to survive. To say that the last few hours of my life have been surreal, is an understatement. This morning I woke up the eldest daughter in the Shen household, ready to take our vegetables to the market place, only to be kidnapped by strange men and brought here...to the Imperial Palace. This sounds as fanciful as the tales my younger sister, the one born after me, creates. Except this is not fiction...this is my life right now. I cannot blame my parents for eagerly accepting the chest of gold...their life is too hard. It could have been worse I suppose, he could have given them nothing...and he also did pay rent for a year.

He says he doesn't want to hurt me, but how can I believe him when he took me without my permission? Did he really think that I would be okay with this? I realize that women are supposed to be submissive to men but I have never been that way. I have my own spirit, my own dreams and my own vision of what I want my life to be like. But now here I am, metaphorically shackled to royalty and it may as well be a life sentence imprisonment, not matter how luxurious the cell is. My life is over before it has even really began...I'm only 18 but I'm destined to live out my days serving this man until he throws me away when I'm too old and useless for his eyes. I know that it's my face that brought me here... I see the way he looks at me even now...as if I'm the rarest jewel he has ever seen.

I will admit that I have never seen a man more handsome than this Prince Wang He Di who has rather stunning features... but it is this fact that makes him even more dangerous to the likes of me. I've seen an endless parade of beautiful girls seduced relentlessly by gorgeous smooth talking men, who leave them with a full womb and an empty stomach... I do not want to be such...who will want to touch me after the Prince has had me? I shiver despite the warmth in the rooms.

He is speaking to me and it takes me a moment to focus on what he is saying,

"Yue, I'm ready...shall we?"

"Huh? Forgive me..." I say. "Shall we what your Highness?"

"It's time for my bath."

He stands up and reaches out his hand to mine and I feel I have no choice but to let him pull me up. He let's go of my hand and leads to me to his royal bathroom where the water has already been poured into the tub, flower petals and all.

"The eunuchs will keep doing that." He says to me casually, taking in my expression. "I don't want you to do any heavy lifting of boiling water. "They will also bring the food from the kitchens...you will feed it to me. And let's see... they will clean my rooms and wash my clothes so you do not need to worry about that being part of your duties."

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