Family Part 1 (Yue)

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I close my book and yawn stretching my hands high into the air

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I close my book and yawn stretching my hands high into the air. I love the library and I could spend all day in here but unfortunately my shift at the campus café is starting in 15 minutes, so my studying will have to continue later. As I exit the library doors my phone starts to vibrate and I roll my eyes when I see that it's my mother. We don't exactly have the best or closest relationship even though it's been the two of us since I can remember. My father passed away when I was 2 so I never really got to know him. I brace myself and then answer the call.

"Hi Ma?"

"Yueyue is this a good time?"

"Yes Ma."

"Good, I'm just calling to confirm that we are still on for dinner this Friday?"

"Well yes, I mean you are flying in all the way from Changsha to see me so yes of course we are still on for dinner this weekend." I say with a tinge of sarcasm in my tone.

"Don't be smart with me young lady, I'm still your mother!" She snaps back in a harsh tone.

"I wasn't..." I sigh. "I'm sorry Ma I didn't mean to be insolent."

"Good..." Her voice smooth and cheery again." Good...I have news."

For some reason I feel dread pool in my stomach.

"News?" I ask.

"Its good news I promise...good news indeed."

"Okay great." I say with weak enthusiasm. "I look forward to hearing it."

"Wonderful! Okay well, I guess I shall see you in two days' time."

"Travel safe and see you when you get to Beijing Ma."

"Bye Yueyue, study hard."

"Bye Ma."

I hang up the phone and shake my head, exhaling loudly as an attempt to relieve myself from the emotional minefield talking to her is. It's going to be a long shift at the café and I need all my wits about me.

I have been working for an hour when the door swings open emitting raucous laughter, followed by a bunch of tall guys walking in, each of them with their arms around the waist of a stereotypically fashionable girlie girl. I groan internally as I recognize the men as part of the college basketball team. As usual the loudest, the star player Wang He Di, is doing most of the talking while his girl giggles nonstop at whatever stupid thing he is saying. I shake my head wondering, how is it that girls can handle arrogant guys like that? Practically lining up to throw themselves at the basketball team, who have a track record of changing the girls they hook up with every few weeks. They are not known for their commitement or monogamy, therefore it's a mystery to me that these women voluntarily put themselves in such a position just because these guys are considered "hot". Ugh... I'm just glad that it takes more than hotness for me to consider a guy worth it. I'm a loyalty, faithfulness and huge amounts of love kind of girl.

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