Nemesis Part One (Yue)

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I drag my feet slowly as I walk through the school gates

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I drag my feet slowly as I walk through the school gates. I have been at this school for two months now and I hate it here. We left the Hunan Province just before I started my final year of high school, to come to the Sichuan Province because my father got a better paying job. I was devastated because I love my home town, all my friends and extended family are there. I still can't believe I had to start over with one more year left of high school. I haven't been able to make any new friends here and I admit that I am lonely. I used to have many friends back in Shaoyang and we had so many big plans for this year.

The boy I had been crushing on for 4 years finally confessed to me at the end of last year. He spent the summer vacation in Beijing where his father works, and when he came back we were supposed to start dating. My heart squeezes in pain when I think of him. He texted me for the first two weeks I was in Leshan but then he eventually stopped responding to my messages. So I guess that's over... my first heartbreak before it even began.

"Watch where you are going Shen Yue! What is the matter with you?"

I rub my forehead as I feel a slight pain from bumping into someone's shoulder. When I hear that rude voice I immediately feel dread... I don't need to look up to know who it is. The main reason that I hate it here... Wang He Di! Wang He Di is the most popular boy in this school and basically runs the whole place. He is the captain of the basketball team and he is dating the head cheerleader Bei An Ran, the type of girl every boy in school wants to be with. Wang He Di is gorgeous like a model and has an equally gorgeous twin sister called Wang Zi Wei. They are in different classes and I happen to be in the same one as his. I don't really know Wang Zi Wei but from what I've seen she is much nicer than her brother. Word is the Wangs are rich and very influential in this town.

His best friends are Wu Xi Ze and Kuan Hong, also on the basketball team and also handsome. The girls love them and are always throwing themselves at them. Wang He Di seems to be the leader of the pack and they follow whatever he tells them to do. I don't think much of them either, as I happen to be Wang He Di's target and they happily go along with it.

"Well are you deaf now as well as blind?" He growls at me.

I wonder what I did to him to make him hate me so much. Every time he sees me he scowls at me, no matter what mood he was in previously. He frowns at me so much that I sometimes find myself jealous of my classmates, the ones fortunate enough to have his glorious smile bestowed upon them. I may despise the way he teases and picks on me, but that smile... he is just too good looking for his own good.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I mumble timidly.

Wang He Di scoffs and then smirks arrogantly at me.

"Didn't see me there? A tiny little girl like you didn't see a big boy like me?"

I say nothing and look down at my feet, unable to hold his gaze. That's another thing about Wang He Di.... I find he stares at me a lot. Whenever I feel like a pair of eyes are watching me it's always him, sulking at me but staring nonetheless.

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