Family Part 2 (Dylan)

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I run as fast as I can out of that house

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I run as fast as I can out of that house... it's not my home anyway. My father sold the house I grew up in when my mother and sister died. He said we needed a fresh start, a place where we could create happy memories...I never felt so betrayed. I drive back to my apartment feeling the anger threatening to suffocate me and it makes me want to speed up...but that's something I never do...I don't drink either...not since the accident.

When I get home Xi Ze has a few girls over who I can barely even register and they are listening to hip hop and having a few drinks. The plan is to hit the club and I'm supposed to be joining them, but after the fiasco that is my father and his new fiancé, I'm in no mood for socializing. I walk past them and straight to my room without saying a word. Not even a minute passes by before I hear a knock on my door with Xi Ze opening it at the same time.

"Yo Di why are you being anti-social? Come join us, these girls are really eager to party with us."

"You guys go ahead without me, I'm just going to call it a night."

"What? Why bro? You were so amped about going out tonight, plus in case you didn't notice, Huiqing is here and you have been dying to get with her for a while now."

I can feel myself going into my dark place and when I'm in my dark place I need to be alone. Although I have been looking forward to hooking up with Huiqing from some time now, (She has been playing hard to get because I think she thinks there is some kind of  future for us) it doesn't motivate me to snap out of my current maudlin state.

"Xi Ze I would just bring everyone's night down so tell them I'm feeling sick or...I don't care!"

Xi Ze immediately backs off. He has been my friend since we were 5 years old, we went to the same schools and now we are at the same university, both on the basketball team and we share an off campus apartment. He has been there for me through the worst time of my life and he understands that I go through these gloomy periods... especially after visits with my dad.

"Okay, okay I got it." He appeases. "I'll make something up, you just take care of yourself and you know where we are if you feel like joining us later." He says.

"Thanks Buddy I really appreciate it." I reply, feeling a bit bad for the way I yelled at him. I really do wish I could be more normal.

Later when they are gone, I am having difficulty sleeping. I can't stop thinking about my Dad's announcement... and I also can't seem to stop thinking about Shen Yue. It really bothers me that she is going to be a part of my family and I don't know why. I don't want her being involved in my life like that. I've seen the disapproving looks she gives me every time I enter the coffee place, like she thinks she's better than me. What right does she have to judge me? I mean I'm the star of the basketball team and I put in a lot of work to get our university positive publicity with all the games we win. Sports is important and it helps encourage school pride! So why does that tiny human with the pouty lips and large eyes look at me like I'm just a dumb loser?

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