Chapter 9

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Joy's POV~

I can't believe we're leaving to New York tomorrow!
I started packing yesterday after the fashion show. I'm so excited we are leaving. Finally I can get away from Nora! She is kind and all, but she can get a little too annoying. She thinks that just because I'm Charlie's girlfriend she can be my best friend. Good thing I had acting classes so I think she doesn't even know I hate her at all.

Anyways, tomorrow at 10 we will be leaving this horrible place. I honestly just date Charlie because he's practically rich and if I date him he gives me double the amount of what he should pay me.
We will go on with our lives tomorrow, unless Charlie changes plans and thinks we should stay here for a few months, but he won't do that. He's not that stupid, is he?

I continue packing my bags and stop when I see Charlie enter the room.
"Hey, babe." I say.
"Hey," he says. "What you doing?"
"Still packing the bags," I answer. "Do you have your ready?"
"Actually, I don't." He says. "You know what I was thinking?"
"What, baby?"'I say looking at him.
"I think we should stay here a couple more months." he says.
I look at him in shock.
"You know," he adds. "You don't want to leave Nora, do you?"
"Of coarse not!" I say.
I fake a smile.
"What about your job?"'I ask.
"I'll work over here," he says. "They're already working on finishing the photo shoot place here."

I can't let this happen. He wants to stay because of Mahogany. He loves me too much. If I tell him something daring like "I'll leave yo if we don't leave now" he will defiantly change opinions.
"If we don't leave Cali tomorrow I'll have no other choice than to leave you." I say.
Charlie thinks of this for a moment.
"Then I guess it was never meant to be." He says.
My smile fades quickly.
Charlie leaves the room and I'm standing in the room all alone.
I can't believe he just broke up with me.

Charlie's POV~

I cannot believe that Joy just did that. She said she would leave me if we didn't leave tomorrow, and we won't.
Well that only makes Joy a stranger. What is a stranger doing in my moms house?
I walk back to the room and stare at Joy who is sitting on the bed.
"You don't have to apologize." She says.
"I wasn't going to apologize." I answer.
"Thank what are you going to do?" She asks.
I walk to her and grab her luggage and carry it to the front door.
She stands behind me and I look at her.
"What re you doing?" Asked Joy.
"We broke up, remember?" I say.
"It was 2 minutes ago," she says. "Of coarse I remember."
"So, if we broke up that makes you my ex so you're practically a stranger." I explain. "Goodbye."
I push her out of the house and she stands there with a very regretful face.
"But Charlie...."
I close the door and cut her off.
That felt good!

Mahogany's POV~

I'm in my room drawing a new dress style when I hear my phone ring. I see that it's an unknown number, but I pick it up anyways.
"Hello?" I say.
"Meet me at the park bench in exactly one hour." The voice says.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"It's your worst nightmare." The voice says with an evil laugh.
I stay in silence for a few seconds.
"I'm just kidding," the voice said. "It's Charlie, but seriously. Meet me at the bench in 1 hour!"
He ends the call.
. . .

It's been one hour and I'm at the bench already waiting for Charlie.
I see him running to me and sitting next to me.
I laugh because he was always late to our dates.
"I thought you weren't late to thinks anymore." I say.
"Well what can I say," he says. "Some people just don't change."
I laugh.
"What is it you wanted me for?" I ask.
"Well, in honor of your great fashion show I would like to invite you to Olive Garden and eat." He says.
I stay there probably looking like a dork because I don't know what to say.
"Like on a date?" I finally manage to say.
"Will it be wrong if I asked you on a date?" He asks.
I shake my head.
"What about Joy?" I ask.
Charlie's smile fades away.
"We broke up this morning." He says.
"I'm so sorry." I say.
"It was for good." He says. "Will you?"
I think about this for a moment.
"What time do you pick me up?" I ask.
"Is tonight at 6 okay?" He asks.
That will leave me 3 hours to get ready which will give me enough time to get ready.
"Sure," I say standing up. "She you then."
"Yeah," he says standing up and kissing me on the cheek. "See you then."
He walks away and i stand there shocked.
Charlie still has feelings for me!

Nash's POV~
(Yes, the one that hasn't talked since the beginning of this book)

Mahogany is a really good girl. She has come a long was since she was a little girl. Her aunt Stephanie helped her a lot through her problems. We were there too, but she felt that she had always the right words and we had the best hugs and advices.
My brother Will and I are all good. The people that are still mad at each other are Natalie and Stephane. Apparently to joke around with Stephanie isn't a good idea

Anyways, I know I promise Mahogany when she was in Natalie's belly that I would never kill her boyfriend, but how can I not.
Charlie was a really good boy when he was dating Mahogany 5 years ago, but he totally changed when he went to college.

He left Mahogany broken hearted. He didn't even have the gut to talk to Mahogany that last day she went to see him to his house. Nora was the one who told Mahogany what Charlie really felt about her. If Charlie steps a foot on this property he will be dead.

Mahogany was our only daughter for 14 years until we had Scott. We still didn't stop spoiling her when Scott was born. We felt that someone of Mahogany's age had to be with her so we decided to adopt Anna. Mahogany thinks we adopted Anna because of Scott, but it was for her.

We love Mahogany so much. We will do anything to make her happy. She is our only birth daughter after all.

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