Chapter 1

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It was 10 pm when Harry came home from the bakery he worked at. He always disliked wednesday. He'd go to school from 8 ti'll 4 and then head straight to work. Once he came home he was energy drowned and if Harry hated one thing it was not having energy. Sighing, he unlocked the door and entered the small apartment he owned. It wasn't much, but it was better than the streets. Harry was sure of that.

He walked over to the small wooden desk and put his jacket over the chair before walking into the kitchen to get a snack and a glass of water. He was tired, but he didn't feel like sleeping just yet despite the fact it was a school's night. He sighed softly and settled behind his laptop. It was old and slow, but Harry was grateful it still worked. He didn't exactly have enough money to buy a new one.

Money really was a problem. Harry lived on his own due... reasons. He didn't have support and faced his future all on his own. He worked hard to get into college, studied ti'll late at night at times just to have a good grade, grades that he could show later on. However, all that hard work would go to a waste if he wouldn't be able to pay for money.

It wasn't easy. He was on his own, barely had anything and most of the money he earned was gone as soon as he received it. He had to pay his rent and buy food, sometimes also some things for school. Secretly, Harry knew going to college was out of option due the situation he was in right now. If he managed to pay for a year he'd have a problem to pay for the years that followed.

Sighing yet again Harry opened his laptop and turned in on. Having to wait a couple of minutes before it would actually work his emerald green eyes looked around his apartment a bit. There was a small closet containing some clothes, a matress with a pillow and blanket, his bag with school stuff was in the corner on the other side and there was the kitchen containing some stuff he needed. Apart from that, he didn't really have anything. The walls weren't even painted, neither was there any flooring.Harry simply couldn't afford it. The money that was left each month was the money he saved for college. Yet sometimes he had to take some of it for school supplies or mediaction if he was ill. His situation sucked, but Harry didn't plan on giving up just yet.

Sometimes, from some extra money, Harry would do something illegal. He knew where to go when he was really in need of it. He lived in the backstreets after all. Harry was quite good with computers. He knew all about them and sometimes, only when he really needed the money, he'd hack into stuff for people.

He went onto the internet, deciding to Google things.

"How to make money as a teenager"

Was the first thing he reached on. He found some Youtube videos, blogs, but nothing really useful. He wasn't just saving for a camera or a roadtrip. He was saving for college and filling in surverys certainly wasn't going to get him there. Neither was any other of the tips they described or told him about. Selling stuff, go around the neighborhood and see if people needed help with something.. He didn't exactly have stuff to sell and well, if he'd help someone around here with something he'd probably end up in jail for murdering someone.

Eventually he found a blog post. It was posted a year ago and well, the guy pretty much had had the same question as Harry had right now. The guy started to scroll through the reactions as eventually one in special caught his eye.

"Hi. I've been on this website called sugarbabes. You basically find a sugardaddy. Of course I don't know your gender or your sexuality, but I'm sure you can find a website that fits your preference if it's different from mine!"

Sugar daddy... He'd heard of that before, he just didn't really know what it meant. He moved onto Google typing in sugar daddy. It soon enough became clear to him that a sugar daddy is most of the time a rich older guy who seeks attention from someone younger in exchange for money and presents. The relationships are often sexual but they don't especially had to be.

Harry bit his lip as he stared at the screen. Maybe this could be something. He could make money easily that way and maybe could even quit his job at the bakery.. It sounded quite perfect. He'd get to do fun things, travel even which was something he'd dreamed of ever since he was young, yet on the other hand.. Sleeping with an older guy didn't sound like music to his ears.

Harry had no sexual experience. To be exact, the 17 years old teenager had never even kissed or been in a relationship. He had problems to trust people as much as he didn't like people touching him thanks to past events.

He sighed softly. Making an account on a website wouldn't do any harm right? He could delete it whenever he wanted and ignore messages if he didn't like the person.. Deciding he could give it a try he googled on gay sugar daddy website. A couple popped up as he checked them out a little and eventually started creating an account on the one he thought he liked most.

He put on his first name only and a picture of himself as an icon. The quality wasn't that great, but he didn't have anything other than bad quality pictures thanks to a broken phone and laptop without a webcam. Having to fill in his preferances of the relationship he felt a little uncomfortable, especially when he had to fill in questions about sex. He filled in he had no problems with sex being part of the relationship despite the fact he really had and honestly put down he had no experience.  Harry knew that if he were to get into this, he'd make more chance trying to deal with sex being a part of it. He'd figured out by now that sex was mainly what this was all about for most people.

When he finished his profile he looked around a bit, visisted some profile. Luckily there also were some younger "sugar daddies" around, which made him feel a little less abd about the fact that maybe, just maybe, he was going to go through with this.

Deciding he was tired enough to fall asleep anytime soon he turned off his laptop and walked over to the closet. Undressing himself he tried to block the worries about money and college out of his head as soon enough his head hit the pillow.

He fell asleep rather quickly unlike most nights where he'd keep thinking about how he was going to build a future for himself. Somehow he felt like tonight, by finding out about this, he'd been giving an opportunity.

A/N: Hi. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If you want me to continue this please vote and give me feedback. It's always very helpful (:

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