Chapter 9

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Harry woke up and smiled weakly. Last night had been amazing. He had fun. He truly had fun like he didn't have in a long time and he kissed Louis. It had actually been his first kiss. He'd thought a kiss with tongues involved would be nasty, but it actually was pretty good. He looked at the ceiling and smiled happily as he sat up and forced himself out of bed.

He opened the balcony doors and walked over to his desk settling down as he turned on some music (not too loud, he didn't want to wake up Louis if he turned out to be still asleep). He settled behind his computer and sighed happily. He still couldn't believe life turned out like this. It was the least he would have expected.

He logged into his e-mail and found out Perrie had sent one with pictures from last night along with all the social media from the other guests who probably posted some stuff as well. Harry spend some time adding and following them before he send her a thank you and took a shower before walking downstairs.

He helped Edward out in the kitchen because he felt energetic (eventhough he partied most of the night) and prepared Louis breakfast before walking upstairs with the plate. He knocked on the door and opened the short after hearing the guy groan instantly. "Go away Edward.. I'll eat later.." He mumbled as he pushed his face into his pillow which he was hugging. "Are you saying you going to send me away with the breakfast I made for you myself?" Harry asked. Louis seemed awake straight away. He looked up and smiled weakly seeing Harry. "That would be rude wouldn't it Mister Styles?" "It would be." Harry chuckled sitting down on the bed. "Why are you up so early?" "It's not early. It's 11." "Early..." Louis mumbled looking at the breakfast.

"That looks nice." "Try it." Harry laughed softly as he watched Louis take a bite. The guy closed his eyes and moaned. "That's good.." He said with his mouth full causing Harry to giggle. "Since when did you become my butler though? Or well, my cook?" "I like cooking, so I thought I'd help Edward out." Harry said as he put the plate on Louis' lap.

"Are you planning anything today?" Louis asked while he ate. "Not really.. I actually wanted to go swim outside if I'm allowed too.. The weather is nice. Can I?" "Harry I already told you a thousand times you don't have to ask. You can make use of everything and you don't have to ask me, yeah?" Harry sighed and nodded. "Just get used to it." Louis smirked, kissing his shoulder and Harry couldn't ignore the butterflies in his stomach. He knew it was stupid. This was just a play, it wasn't real. He shouldn't feel this way about Louis, yet he did. The kiss from yesterday meant nothing to the guy. Sugardaddy/baby relationships had seks involved and in the end it was alla bout company and money, nothing else. This was no exception.

"How about I meet you at the pool in half an hour then?" Louis chuckled. Harry looked a bit surprised. "You don't have work to catch up with?" "No, I'm ahead of my planning so I have a couple of days off to spend them with you. I'm a CEO Harry, I can make others do my work for me." He chuckled weakly. "Still I prefer to do everything myself though." He shrugged. Harry stood up. "I'll see you at the pool then."


He'd settled on a chair in the water reading a magazine as he was sitting in the sun drifting around. Despite the fact Louis had seen his scars, he still felt a little bit nervous. He was sitting in bright sunlight now after all.. He sighed softly and turned the page. He was reading an article about fashion and was almost done reading it when Louis made an entree by jumping onto him. That itself wasn't all too bad, what was was his elbow hitting Harry straight in the nuts by accidents.

"Ooooooh." Louis whined, instantly noticing that he'd hit the wrong spot as Harry gasped for air, putting his hands inbetween his legs. "Louis.." He whimpered with a whiney tone. "Sorry love, I didn't mean too." It was kinda weird how Louis went from this charming serious bussiness man to this rather childlike random person at times, but Harry loved it. "It's fine." He forced out as he took in some air. Louis gently helped him out of the air. "I'd say I'd kiss it better.. but yeah.." Louis chuckled weakly as he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. "You pervert.." Harry whined, giggling softly now though. "Man that hurt.." "You're good now though?" "Yeah, I'm okay." He breathe. Louis smiled at him as Harry moved a little closer. "Water is a little cold though." Harry admitted. He had been sitting on the chair all the time with only his feet in the water. He hadn't exactly been swimming yet.

Louis pulled Harry against him, chest against chest. "Problem solved?" He whispered in Harry's ear. "Yeah.." he breathe back. Louis was close.. Really close.. He started shaking at a certain point. "Perhaps I should warm up the pool." Louis said after a minute letting go of Harry who was happy Louis seemed to think he was shaking because he was cold.

He knew he wouldn't get to be here forever. Eventually Louis would get tired of him. He'd find someone else on the website or he'd run into some guy and realize that he'd grown bored of Harry. Until then, Harry had to make sure Louis would never find out what had happened to him. He knew he was breaking the guys number one rule by doing so. Louis insisted he was honest to him about everything and he had already been lying from the start. He didn't want Louis to know because he'd probably not see him for who he was anymore.. He didn't want that to happen.

He sighed as he watched Louis walk inside. Behind the door on the wall there was a small box attached to the wall that clearly had something to do with the water tempature of the pool. Louis pushed a couple of buttons and then returned to Harry.

"It should warm up soon enough." He chuckled as Harry smiled tightly. Louis didn't seem to notice or so he thought. Louis in fact did, but said nothing about it. He guessed Harry probably felt a little exposed because of his scars or something. He wasn't going to ask about them. He wasn't going to deny that he wasn't curious and maybe he'd ask one day, but right now it was too early for that. He knew he'd make Harry uncomfortable and that was the last thing he wanted. He didn't know what exactly he was creating with Harry, what kind of bond they were having, but it felt strong and he wanted to avoid anything that could possibly ruin it.

However, even Harry knew the truth couldn't be hidden forever, but he also knew you could live a lie.


"So, I have a planning for the next couple of days." Louis announced when they settled on the couch in the livingroom with pizza. They ordered it and Harry couldn't believe he was actually eating pizza. Yes, it had been at least 3 years since he'd eaten that and it had always been his favorite food.

"Tomorrow, we're going shopping and I'm going to buy you everything you want to have. The day after, I'm going to take you to the beach. The day after that we're going to have a photoshoot together and the day after that we're going to relax at home. How does that sound?" "A photoshoot?" Harry asked as he watched Louis nod. Harry was insecure, no doubts to that and Louis wanted to show him what he saw when he looked at him. The beauty that Harry was. He wanted him to have pictures of himself and be able to say that he liked them. In short, he was going to work on Harry's confidence with him and had arranged a photoshoot as the first step.

"Also, Ed invited you over to his studio. You can go whenever you want." He added. "So maybe we could go there on day four if you have any energy left in your body. I'm gonna make you work Styles." Harry chuckled. He had yet to find out all the reasons behind Louis' actions. Louis was good to him, but he had yet to find out how more than good he actually was.

They both knew this wasn't just the type of relationship they had been looking for on the website, they both just didn't dare to say it out loud, scared to scare the other away and lose them.

Maybe they'd get there. Maybe they'd not.

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