Chapter 5

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It wasn't the alarm that woke Harry up that morning. Excitement and nerves had woke him up hours before and he hadn't been able to fall back asleep ever since. Yesterday he'd bought a nice outfit with some spare money and he was currently taking a shower not wanting to smell bad.

Harry never really felt like he had to make an impression unless it was actually really needed (for a college intake for example). He'd just be himself and see what would happen. However, right now, he just really wanted to make Louis like him. Somehow, it wasn't only because this guy could help him get into college. There was another feeling setting up at the thought of meeting him and Harry didn't really know what it was.

Getting out of the shower Harry faced the mirror. He somehow felt kinda insecure about himself. Actually, he often felt insecure, it was just that right now he seemed to think about everything he disliked about himself and the possibility Louis didn't like those things either and would, in the worst case, dump him for a different sugar baby. It was something Harry didn't want to happen for more than one reason.

He sighed and did his hair. He had a couple of spots on his face, but they weren't too bad and could easily go unnoticed. He looked down at his slim figure and skinny lady like legs. He was quite skinny really. Probably a little underweight, but Harry knew he wouldn't be able to change something about it seeing he barely had money to buy food. Being hungry was his second nature by now.

He dressed up in a skinny jean and grabbed the new blouse he bought. He grabbed his cross necklace and put it on. He wasn't religious, but the necklace was important to him. Putting some hairspray in his hair he decided that he was done as he made his way to the amusement park, which took about 20 minutes.

It was quite warm outside and luckily there was a cold breeze. Harry hoped it would stay seeing he was wearing a long pants. He should have looked up what the weather was going to be..

He there waited before the entrance feeling all nervous. Never had he met someone from the internet before and if he were to it certainly wouldn't be to become his sugar baby. Biting his lip he felt his phone vibrate and took it from his pocket. "Hey love, look to your right ;D xx" Harry frowned and looked up from his phone only to see Louis not standing far away. Harry blushed and smiled shyly as he waved walking over to him.

"Well Hello there." Louis chuckled meeting him in the middle as he hugged Harry softly. Harry tensed in surprise, after all he couldn't handle people being all close to him, yet he hugged back knowing it was his mission to hide his past and the way it still affected him today.

"How are you babe?" Louis asked as they started walking back to the entrance. "I'm okay, what about you?" "I'm really excited about meeting you and about all the rollar coasters I'm going to drag you into." Louis snorted as Harry giggled softly. There was no way you couldn't feel at ease with Louis.

"How about we grab an early lunch in the lunchroom and then check out everything we can do here?" "So you're saying you want to go on a roller coaster with a full stomach..?" Harry asked frowning a bit. "Are you scared?" Louis snorted like a child. "Am not!" Harry huffed. Louis chuckled and grabbed Harry's hand dragging him along. "You'll be just fine and like I said before, I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want to do. I'm too young to go to jail." Harry couldn't help it but laugh and move along.

He had to admit he felt kinda bad for the fact Louis was paying for his tickets, but well, if he ended up as his sugar daddy he'd have to get used to getting spoiled he guessed. Louis was still holding his hand and Harry couldn't help it but notice that he really didn't want to let go.  

"All done." Louis chuckled after paying. "Thanks.." Harry said softly and honestly Louis seemed a little surprised. "For what love?" "For paying for me.." "You don't have to thank me, it's kinda what this is all about, isn't it?" Harry shrugged. "But still.." "You're too cute." Louis chuckled.

Sugar - [Larry Stylinson]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu